Homeopathy Medicine for Otitis


Otitis media, a viral or bacterial infection that can spread to the middle ear and cause sore throats, colds, or other respiratory or breathing issues, is an infection or inflammation of the middle ear that frequently starts as a result.

By the time they turn three, 75% of kids have had at least one case of otitis media, and nearly 50% of them will have three or more ear infections in their first three years.

Otitis media, which primarily affects infants and young children but can also affect adults, is estimated to cost $5 billion* in medical expenses and lost wages annually in the United States.

How do we hear ?

The ear is divided into three main sections: the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. The outer ear is made up of the pinna, which is the part of the ear that is visible, and the ear canal. It also extends to the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, which divides the two.

Children are more susceptible to otitis media than adults for a variety of reasons, including the fact that their immune systems are still developing and that their eustachian tubes are shorter and straighter in comparison to adults.

The eustachian tube is normally closed, but it periodically opens to replenish or ventilate the air in the middle ear, as well as to equalize middle ear air pressure in response to changes in air pressure in the environment. However, a eustachian tube that is blocked by swelling of its lining, plugged with mucus from a cold, or for some other reason cannot open to ventilate the middle ear. The lack of ventilation may cause fluid from the tissue that lines the middle

Adenoids, which are located in the back of the upper part of the throat close to the eustachian tubes and are primarily made up of cells (lymphocytes) that help fight infections, are another factor that makes children more susceptible to otitis media.

White blood cells migrate from the bloodstream to help fight the infection after bacteria enter the middle ear through the lining or passageway of the eustachian tube. During this process, the white cells accumulate, frequently killing bacteria and dying themselves, leading to the formation of pus, a thick yellowish-white fluid in the middle ear.

What are the effects of otitis media ?

Although the hearing loss brought on by otitis media is typically temporary, untreated otitis media may result in permanent hearing impairment at a time when a child’s hearing is crucial for speech development.

How can someone tell if a child has otitis media ?

Because most children who suffer from otitis media lack the speech and language abilities to communicate their discomfort, it can be challenging to diagnose the condition.

  • unusual irritability
  • difficulty sleeping
  • one or both ears being pulled or tugged at
  • fever
  • The ear’s fluid is dripping
  • loss of balance
  • refusal to respond to soft sounds or other symptoms of hearing impairment, such as watching TV too close or becoming distracted

How do we diagnose otitis media ?

There are several ways that a doctor checks for middle ear fluid. The use of a special type of otoscope called a pneumatic otoscope allows the doctor to blow a puff of air onto the eardrum to test eardrum movement. (An otoscope is a light instrument that allows the doctor to examine the outer ear and the eardrum.) Inflammation of the eardrum indicates an infection.

Tympanometry is a helpful test of middle ear function that involves inserting a small soft plug into the child’s opening of the ear canal. The plug contains a speaker, a microphone, and a device that can change the air pressure in the ear canal, allowing for several measures of the middle ear. The child feels air pressure changes in the ear or hears a few brief tones.


For such issues, homoeopathy is strongly advised as it helps to reduce the severity and frequency of attacks while also boosting the patient’s immunity.

Pulsatilla, Merc Sol, Belladona, Chamomilla

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