Dr. Reckeweg Aalserum 7X Q Mother Tincture (20ml) : Nephrotic syndrome,Difficult urination, High Creatinine, Albuminuria


Also known as

Blood D-Angi





58 (gms)


3, 2, 7, and 9 millimeters

Dr. Reckeweg Aalserum(Mother Tincture)

Eel, a type of fish, is used to make the medicine.

Eel serum is also known by its common name.

Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Aalserum

  • The heart, blood, kidney, and liver are all affected by eel serum.
  • Albuminuria complaints benefit from the use of Aalserum, which also aids in halting the condition.
  • Having trouble breathing or urinating is helped by it.
  • When there is no body swelling and there are cardiac complaints, aalserum is helpful.
  • Aalserum works well to check kidney complaints that are heart-related after an infection, cold, or alcohol attack.
  • Aalserum is helpful for nephritis and the nephrotic syndrome.

Renal signs:

  • The remedy is effective in lowering urine protein leakage.
  • Urination is facilitated by the use of Aalserum, which also improves urine flow and lessens complaints of restricted or insufficient flow.
  • Additionally, kidney cysts and stone complaints can benefit from it.
  • Albumin and increased protein levels in the urine are common symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, which affects the kidneys.

Symptoms of the heart:

  • Eel can be used to treat functional heart issues like cardiac dyspnea, asystolia, and mitral insufficiency.

Side effects of Dr. Reckeweg Aalserum

Although there are no such side effects, it is still important to take each medication according to the instructions.

Dosage and Rules while taking Dr. Reckeweg Aalserum

Three times per day, mix 10 drops in a half cup of water.

The globules can also be used as medicine; take them as directed by your doctor, usually three times per day.

We advise you to use medical advice when taking.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic medicines have a variety of uses and are prescribed based on symptom similarity; it is assumed that you have sought medical advice before purchasing this medication and are not self-medicating.

BrandDr. Reckeweg
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginGermany
Form FactorSerum
Homeo FormsMother Tincture
Price₹ 255

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