Synerveda Weightloss Tea : Herbal Tea For Fat Burn, Ayurvedic Tea, Garcinia Cambogia, Energizing Tea, 100 Servings (50 Gms)


Boost the metabolism, promote fat burning, and boost energy levels with this combination of herbal teas and botanical extracts.

It includes White Willow Bark, Garcinia Cambogia, Ephedra, Vasaka, and Sida Cordifolia in addition to Green Tea (50% polyphenols).

– Increases Metabolism

– Improves body’s ability to burn fat

Energy Levels are Boosted

  • Green tea: Antioxidants and polyphenols in green tea increase metabolic activity and aid in blood circulation.
  • Ephedra and garcinia cambogia’s effects are enhanced by white willow bark, which also thins the blood, lowers cholesterol.
  • HCA (hydroxycitic acid), an innovative new trend in natural weight loss found in Garcinia Cambogia, improves fat burning and speeds up metabolism.
  • Ephedra – Ephedra increases energy, speeds up metabolism, and suppresses appetite.
  • The powerful metabolizer Sida Cordifolia has been shown to increase lipogenisis (fat burning) and suppress appetite.

Use Requirements:

Consume for two months twice a day for the best results.

During or after breakfast, one cup in the morning

One right before your workout or in the late afternoon.

*Avoid eating or drinking at least 3 to 4 hours before going to bed because you might be too energized to sleep.

**Avoid consumption if you have heart problems, a history of cardiac arrests, or high blood pressure.

Please consult your doctor before beginning to take Synerveda’s weight loss tea if you are pregnant or nursing.

preparation guidelines

For a Cup:

Boiling water

Add a half-teaspoon of Synerveda Weight Loss Tea, or about 0.5 grams.

For flavor, incorporate finely chopped fresh ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.

according to your taste, sugar, honey, or jaggery

five minutes to steep

Serve after straining.

Container TypePouch
Shelf Life3 years
Remedy TypeAyurvedic
Country of OriginIndia
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Price₹ 730

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