Bioforce Blooume 9 Cystosan Drops (30ml) : For Pain of Renal Calculi, Arrests Formation of Calculus, Uric Acid


Also known as

Cysto, cisto, and Bloum 9



50 (gms)


3.7 x 3.5 x 8.9 centimeters

Bioforce Blooume 9 Cystosan Drops

Indication of Bioforce Blooume 9 Cystosan Drops

controls how well the kidneys work.

Most helpful in situations involving painful and burning urination, deposits in urine, the development of solid crystals, cloudy or bloody urine, and renal colic.

Composition of Bioforce Blooume 9 Cystosan Drops

Berberis Vulgaris: Urinary system; Gurgling or bubbling sensations in the kidneys, which aid in the expulsion of kidney stones. Colic pain radiating, shooting outwards, sticking, burning, smarting, sore, and insensitive to heat and cold.

Chimaphila Umbellata 2x: Constant urging, extreme strain, and pain down the thighs during urinal attempts are all symptoms of this diuretic.

Helleborus Niger 3x: In cases of suppressed urination, frequent urging can help cause free flow of urine by causing the bladder to swell and the child’s inability to urinate.

Lamiun Album 1x: Pain relief in cases of painful urination; urgent desire to urinate; extremely scanty emission.

Lespedeza 3x: lowers the need to urinate more frequently.

Pareira brava 2x: He can only urinate when he bends over on his knees and experiences constant urging, great strain, pain down his thighs, itching along the urethra, and renal pain relief from urethritis.

Solidago Virgaurea 1x: improves kidney function regulation.

Viola Tricolor 3x: Helps in cases of bedwetting, frequent urinal nagging, urethral stitches

Dosage of Bioforce Blooume 9 Cystosan Drops

Adults: 20 drops in a tablespoon of water, 3 to 5 times per day, half an hour before meals.

Children: Or as prescribed by a doctor, half the recommended adult dosage.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorDrops
Price₹ 150

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