SBL Bio Combination 24 (450g) : Debility & Exhaustion, Weakness after child bearing, Tonic for Anemia


Also known as

Bio Comb No. 24 (BC 24) Bio Comb 24



529 (gms)


Dimensions: 9.4 x 9.4 x 12.5 cm

SBL Bio Combination 24

BC 24- Debility and Exhaustion

Composition of SBL Bio Combination 24

  • 3-fold calcea phosphorica
  • phosphoric acid ferrum 3x
  • 3-fold Kalium Phosphoricum
  • Magnesium phosphate 3x
  • 3x Natrum Phosphorum

Indications of SBL Bio Combination 24

  • in order to nourish the brain, bones, and tissues and to build new tissue.
  • Tonic for anemia, general debility, chronic wasting illnesses, and exhaustion without vitality.
  • Weakness brought on by childbearing, neurasthenia, anxiety, memory loss, and exhaustion from excessive work are all common in women.

Action of Biochemic medicine in SBL Bio Combination 24

Calcarea phosphorica 3x After acute diseases when patient suffers from problems of anemia (low hemoglobin), weakness, exhaustion, calcarea phos works splendidly. Disturbed mental state, Constant sadness, dullness is treated.: When a patient has anemia (low hemoglobin), weakness, or exhaustion following an acute illness, calcarea phosphorica 3x works wonders to treat those symptoms, as well as disturbed mental state, constant sadness, and dullness.

Ferrum phosphoricum 3x It helps in oxygenation of the cells giving them life and strength. For first stage of diseases that are associated with weakness, anxiety, sadness.: Ferrum phosphoricum 3x It is used to treat early-stage illnesses that are characterized by weakness, anxiety, or sadness by assisting in the oxygenation of the cells, which gives them life and strength.

Kalium phosphoricum 3x Helps to restore the nervous system after overwork, Weakness of muscles after over work, mental exertion with body pains.: In cases of overworked muscles, nervous system weakness, and physical and mental exhaustion, kalium phosphoricum 3x aids in nervous system restoration.

Magnesia phosphorica 3x It helps in Stress, Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Muscle spasms, migraine headaches, PMS ( pre menstrual) headaches, agitation, irritability, constipation, fatigue: Magnesium phosphorica 3x helps with fatigue, agitation, irritability, muscle spasms, premenstrual headaches, stress, pain, anxiety, and depression.

Natrum phosphoricum 3x Treats sleeplessness that has its route in Digestive problems. Hyperacidity, bile regulation which helps to keep the digestion good and gives energy.: Insomnia that is caused by digestive issues can be treated with Natrum phosphoricum 3x, which also regulates bile production to keep digestion healthy and provide energy.

Dosage of SBL Bio Combination 24

Four tablets per day for adults, or four times every three hours.

Kids: 1–2 tablets, 4 times daily.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsBiocombination Tablet
Price₹ 655

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