Dr. Reckeweg R25 (Prostatan) Drops (22ml)


Dr. Reckeweg’s R25 indications

Prostatitis, both acute and chronic, and its effects

Dr. Reckeweg R25’s primary ingredients’ modes of action

Sharp pains when urinating, frequent nighttime urges, pains extending from the bladder to the extremity of the urethra, and calculi-caused bladder catarrh are all symptoms of chimaphila umbellata.

Clematis: Gonorrhea, orchitis, glairy urine without pus, intermittent urination, long waiting period before emission, which comes in drops with burning pain and is then followed by painless flow.

Strong urinary stream and paralytic asthenia in Conium.

Urinary incontinence, nighttime urination, and general urination are all symptoms of ferrum picrinicum.

Bladder calculi, acute tenesmus, bloody, acidic urine with gravel in it, pain radiating from the kidneys to the thighs.

Populus tremul: Prostate gland hypertrophy and a painful urge to urinate.

Pulsatilla: Groin pain, hypertrophy of the prostate gland, turbid and yellowish urine, orchitis gonorrhoica, and prostatitis.

Urination that is painful, frequent urginal urges, and hypertrophy of the prostate gland are all symptoms of sabal serr.

dosage for R25 by Dr. Reckeweg

Before meals, take 10-15 drops in some water, 4-6 times a day, but as you get better, cut back to 10 drops three times a day for a longer period of time until you’re fully recovered.


Used only with a doctor’s approval.

BrandDr. Reckeweg
Container TypeBOTTLE
Shelf LifeLong expiry
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginGermany
Form FactorDrops
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Price₹ 250

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