Dr. Reckeweg R41 (Fortivirone) Drops (22ml)


R41 signs and symptoms

Debilitating illnesses’ aftereffects, excessive physical or mental exertion, overexcitement, nervous exhaustion, lack of vitality, asthenia, spermatorrhoea, general senility, especially in men, early ejaculation, and erection problems are just a few of the ailments that can affect older men.

The primary components of R41’s mode of action

With a focus on the vitality glands, the composition of R41 has been modified to affect the various systems, and the medication combination used has been shown to be effective against the common problems of male complaints brought on by gland problems.

When impotence and low libido (lack of interest) occur, acidum phosphoricum can be used as a tonic.

Agnus castus: Effective with little dilution in cases of weakness and a lack of vitality.

China: Particularly effective when there are problems with vitality and sperm after incapacitating illnesses.

Conium: Senile debility, hypochondria, irritability, and lack of focus.

Damiana: Increases genital strength, which lessens erection and ejaculation issues.

Acts when all cellular functions are exhausted, you’re tired, and you don’t like coition (sex).

Testes: Improves the effect of ejaculation by acting as a stimulant and replacement in males.

R41 dosage

Typically, 15 drops should be taken in a little water before meals two to three times daily. In cases of long-standing conditions, 10-15 drops can be taken every one to two hours for two to three days to see more rapid results.


Used only with a doctor’s approval.

BrandDr. Reckeweg
Container TypeBOTTLE
Shelf LifeLong expiry
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginGermany
Form FactorDrops
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Price₹ 270

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