The onset of monsoon is refreshing for us, but it may not be great for our skin. Due to the constant contact with contaminated water while traveling and the humid environment in monsoon, we can be susceptible to several skin conditions, including eczema, acne breakout, allergic reaction, athlete’s foot, and fungal infections among others. Diabetic patients should avoid going outside during monsoon.


The following are the principal causes of or triggers for:

Hygiene:Keep up with proper hygiene. During the monsoon, it’s especially important to keep up with proper hygiene, which includes taking a bath every day and washing and drying your feet.

Clothing:Clothing is also crucial because if you wear shoes and socks continuously for hours on end, your feet are susceptible to occluding in wet and sweaty conditions. This is especially true if you wear synthetic, non-breathable socks and shoes, which do not absorb sweat and keep your feet wet all the time. Synthetic clothing also does not allow the skin to breathe properly, and even sweat does not evaporate from the skin.

Health conditions:Your health determines how protected you are from further infections and diseases. For instance, if obesity or diabetes are problems along with other immunity-compromising health conditions, sharing clothes with someone who has a skin infection will increase your risk of getting the same infection.


Because they are risk-free and have no side effects, homoeopathic medications are excellent for treating common skin issues during the monsoon season.

When it comes to common skin problems in the monsoon, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking me as an example. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system and is being practiced throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

Allergic reaction:Monsoon season is when urticaria, or an allergic reaction to an insect bite, is most prevalent.

HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICIMES:Sulfur, Pulsatilla nigricans, Natrum muriaticum, Psorinum, Apis mellifica, Arsenicum album, and Urtica urens.

Acne breakouts:Skin becomes dry as humidity rises in the air, which also stimulates oil glands and clogs pores, leading to acne or pimples frequently.

HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES:Graphites, Hepar sulphuricum, Jugulans regia, Kali bromatum, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla nigricans, Radium bromide, Sulfur, and Thuja occidentalis are some of the ingredients in arsenicum bromatum.

Eczema:Anyone with sensitive skin should be extra cautious with their skin routine care in monsoon to avoid any skin infections. Eczema is characterized by itching, redness, and skin inflammation. Blisters typically form in the affected area. Skin also appears to be rough and cracked. Eczema is particularly uncomfortable during monsoons due to the humidity in the area that is unwelcoming for sensitive skin.

HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES:Petroleum, Psorinum, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulfur, and Thuja occidentalis. Alumina, Antimonium crudum, Arsenic album, Graphites, Mercurius sol, Mezereum, and Natrum muriaticum.

Scabies:Because of the temperature swings and increased humidity in the air during monsoon season, parasitic mites known as Sarcoptes can thrive and spread scabies, a contagious skin infection that causes redness, skin rashes, and intense itching that usually gets worse at night.

HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES:Psorinum, Selenium, Sepia, Graphites, Lycopodium clavatum, Causticum, Dulcamara, Sulfur, and Arsenic album.

Athlete’s Foot:It usually affects the skin around the feet and toenails, which results in itching, blisters, and even discoloration, as well as dry, rough, and cracked skin. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that is contagious in nature.

HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES:Petroleum, Graphites, Silicea, Thuja occidentalis, Arsenic iodatum, and Baryta carbonicum.

Tinea Fungal Infections:Tinea, a group of highly contagious and itchy fungi, includes skin conditions like ringworms, which affects the thighs and armpits among other places, tinea capitis, which results in an itchy and flaky scalp, and onychomycosis, a fungus that affects the nails and makes them brittle.

HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES:Apis mellifica, Bacillinum, Chrysarobinum, Natrum muriaticum, Sepia, Sulfur, Tellurium, and Thuja occidentalis are among the substances in the arsenic album.


Maintain a healthy routine for personal hygiene and wear clean undergarments.

Whether or not it is raining, always keep an umbrella or a raincoat with you at all times. Stay dry at all times. Avoid staying in wet clothes for extended periods of time.

Refrain from lending out your clothing and other personal items to anyone, especially during the monsoon season when some illnesses are contagious.

Avoid spicy foods, add green vegetables, fruits, almonds, yogurt, brown rice, garlic, and oats to your diet, among other important factors to take into account during the monsoon season.

Keep yourself hydrated during the rains even though you might not feel particularly thirsty. You can also gargle with purified or boiled water to prevent skin infections.

Wear loose, cotton clothing, cotton socks, and open footwear like chappals made of breathable material to prevent skin infections during the monsoon season.

Ensure that you receive treatment for any medical conditions you may have, such as diabetes.

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