Itchy or uncomfortable, keloids may grow much larger than the original wound, and they can appear on any part of the body, although the upper chest and shoulders are particularly susceptible. Keloids scars are firm, smooth, hard growths caused by spontaneous scar formation.

Keloid formation can occasionally result from wound healing, but the exact cause is still being researched.

Dark skinned people are more likely to develop keloids than Caucasians, even though the majority of people never do, especially after minor wounds, burns, insect bites, or acne spots.

The general public is unaffected by keloids, which do not develop into skin cancers.


The key homoeopathic remedies are listed below, and they are useful for removing scar tissue without causing any negative side effects.

THIOSINAMINUM 3X–Thiosinaminum, a homeopathic remedy that is potent enough to dissolve the scar tissue, is one of the best treatments for keloids and is regarded as a specific remedy for all varieties of keloids.

GRAPHITES 30-Graphites is another treatment that is very beneficial for the early stages of keloid formation.

SILICEA 200There may be fistulous furrowing during the process of suppuration, as well as constitutional symptoms like excessive, offensive sweating on the feet and sensitivity to cold air. The patient is chilly. Silicea is the best treatment for keloids that are painful because it has a powerful ability to reduce pain and dissolve the unnecessary cicatricial tissue that causes the formation of keloids.

Nitric acid treats Keloids, which are irregular in shape and frequently jagged in appearance and cause sharp, splinter-like pain. **NITRIC ACID 30-**A very peculiar side effect of using the homeopathic medicine nitric acid is extremely foul-smelling urine.

FLUORIC ACID 30–The best treatment for itch-causing Keloids is fluoric acid, which also causes the itching to stop and the keloid to start shrinking. Heat may make the itching worse.

CAUSTICUM 200The best homeopathic treatment for keloid formation after burns is called Causticum, and it is effective for treating both keloid formation right away after burns and keloid formation when older burn scars resurface and become fresh again.

CALENDULA OFFICINALIS 30Applying Calendula tincture to the affected traumatic side as soon as possible, along with taking Calendula internally, can act as a preventive homeopathic medicine against Keloid formation. -Calendula is effective for Keloids that have formed after skin injuries that have occurred as a result of accidental trauma or cuts from surgical procedures.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200A keloid that developed at the site of a vaccination can be effectively treated with Thuja occ.

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