Homeopathy Medicine for Cataract


The lens, which is located behind the iris and the pupil and functions as a camera by focusing incoming light onto the retina and adjusting the eyes’ focus so that we can see clearly both up close and far away, becomes clouded in the event of a cataract.

When a person has a cataract, some of the protein in their lens has clumped together and formed a cloud in a small area of the lens. Normally, the protein in a lens is arranged in a way that keeps the lens clear and allows light to pass through it.

It might enlarge and cover more of the lens with cloudiness over time, impairing visibility.

The protein structure is said to change as we get older, which is the alleged cause of this cataract.

People with diabetes frequently develop a cortical cataract, which begins on the lens’s periphery and gradually moves inward toward the center.

Asub capsular cataractIndividuals who are more likely to develop this type of cataract include:

  • People with diabetes,
  • High farsightedness,
  • Retinitis pigments or
  • those who consume a lot of steroid

Although age-related cataracts can develop in people as early as their 40s or 50s, most cataracts in middle age are small and have little to no impact on vision; it is only once a person reaches the age of 60 that most cataracts become significantly problematic.


Nuclear cataracts, also known as “second sight,” can improve one’s near vision; however, as the cataract progresses, this improvement will disappear. Each type of cataract has its own symptoms.

It is possible for a sub capsular cataract to develop to a more advanced stage without initially exhibiting any symptoms.

A cataract’s most typical signs and symptoms include

  • Cloudy or blurry vision
  • Colors seem faded
  • Glare, excessive brightness of headlights, lamps, or sunlight, and the appearance of a halo around lights
  • Poor night vision
  • (This symptom may go away as the cataract gets bigger.) Double vision or multiple images in one eye.
  • frequent modifications to contact lens or eyeglass prescriptions

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should get checked out because they may also be symptoms of other eye issues.

Cataracts tend to “grow” slowly, so vision gets worse over time as the cloudy area in the lens enlarges and the cataract may grow in size. When a cataract is small, one will not notice it very much. One may find that their vision is a little blurry, like looking through a cloudy piece of glass.

The clear lens’s gradual transformation into a yellowish/brownish color, which gives vision a brownish tint, is another way that cataracts can impair vision.

This gradual change in the amount of tinting does not, however, affect the sharpness of the image transmitted to the retina. At first, the amount of tinting may be small and may not result in a vision issue, but over time, increased tinting may make it more challenging to read and carry out other daily tasks.

One may mistakenly perceive black for purple or blue if they have advanced lens discoloration, making it difficult to distinguish between the two colors.


What specifically caused the catastrophe is unknown.

Some of the causeative factors are

  • Our eyes accumulate protein as we age.
  • Age
  • Exposure to ultraviolet light
  • One’s risk of developing a cataract increases if one has diabetes or uses steroids, diuretics, or major tranquilizers.
  • Cigarette smoke,
  • Air pollution and
  • Alcohol consumption.


  • The visual acuity test involves having the patient read letters on a chart to determine how clear their vision is at different distances.

  • Pupil dilation: During this examination, the doctor will use eye drops to enlarge the pupil, the round, black center of your eye, enabling them to better examine the lens and retina as well as check for any other potential issues.

    Other eye tests

  • Glare test

  • Contrast sensitivity test


The homeopathic medicines are chosen after a thorough individualizing examination and symptoms totality, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution, etc. Homeopathy treats the person as a whole, which means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition.

CALCAREA CARB :Given when a person feels chilled, has swollen glands, weight issues, or feels as though they are looking through a mist. Also very helpful for cataracts when a person feels as though they are looking through a mist.

CALCAREA FLOUR :When tissues harden or thicken abnormally, there is a tendency for hard, swollen lymph nodes, joint pains, fibrous growths, or bone spurs. This medicine is indicated for cataracts when a person typically feels worse during weather changes and better during warmth.

CAUSTICUM :Given to people who may have a tendency to have muscular stiffness in many body areas. Recommended when symptoms get generally worse from cold and improved by warmth, and often feel best in damp or rainy weather. Helpful in developing cataracts when person had problems moving the eyes, as if the muscles around the eyeballs were stiff or weak. Given when symptoms get worse especially after getting cold in the wind or open air.

SILICEA :Particularly suitable for those with fine hair, weak nails, easily tired, swollen lymph nodes, or cataracts that developed after prolonged periods of eyestrain or after suppressing foot sweating.There is a tendency toward chilliness (although they frequently sweat at night), and they frequently have low resistance to infection.

NATRUM MUR :There is a feeling of gauze across the eyes, and parts of the field of vision may be difficult to focus on. There is a craving for salt. The patient feels worse when exposed to the sun. They have strong emotions but come across as reserved. This is primarily indicated when cataracts start to develop.

PHOSPHORUS :Given when there is appearance of little bright dots of colored light when the eyes are closed, useful for cataract with feeling that dust or mist in the eyes is obstructing vision, soreness that feels like eyestrain after very little use, and a strong desire for cold drinks and refreshing things. Suitable for those who are sympathetic and fond of company, but can tire easily.

RL-46 :Eye vision loss due to cataract glaucoma


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