Homeopathy Medicine for Early Ejaculation


Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint that affects up to one out of three men at some point. It occurs when a man ejaculates during sexual activity earlier than he or his partner would prefer.

  • Ejaculate immediately after penetration, or almost immediately.
  • possess a complete or nearly complete inability to postpone ejaculation during sexual activity
  • feeling angry and frustrated, and as a result, tending to avoid sexual intimacy

Premature ejaculation is a common and treatable condition that can be improved with the use of medications, counseling, sexual techniques that delay ejaculation, or a combination of these. Although many men feel uncomfortable discussing it, premature ejaculation can be caused by both psychological and biological factors.


The primary sign of premature ejaculation, which can happen in any sexual situation, including masturbation, is the inability to delay ejaculation for longer than a minute after penetration.


Though it was once believed that only psychological factors played a role in premature ejaculation, doctors now understand that there is a complex interplay between psychological and biological factors that plays a role in premature ejaculation.


Psychological factors that might play a role include:

  • Early sexual experiences
  • Sexual abuse
  • Poor body image
  • Depression
  • Worrying about premature ejaculation
  • You’re more likely to rush through sexual encounters when you’re feeling guilty.

Other factors that can play a role include:

  • Men with erectile dysfunction may develop an unintentional pattern of rushing to ejaculate during sexual activity. This pattern can be challenging to break.
  • Anxiety-Many men who experience premature ejaculation also struggle with anxiety, whether it is anxiety related to other problems or anxiety related to sexual performance.
  • Relationship issues may be a factor in the issue if you’ve had successful sexual relationships with other partners in which premature ejaculation occurred infrequently or never.


In our personal lives, premature ejaculation can lead to issues like:

  • Stress and relationship problems-Stress in relationships is a typical side effect of early ejaculation.
  • In cases where ejaculation doesn’t take place intravaginally, premature ejaculation can make fertilization challenging for couples trying to conceive.


GRAPHITESUseful in cases of extreme sexual exhaustion and coition aversion.

For severe prostration and early ejaculation, use **STAPHYSAGRIA**.

Given for weak and odorless semen, selenium is useful for ejaculation that occurs early in sexual neurasthenia.

AGNUS CASTUS-Extremely helpful when there is early ejaculation but no erections or loss of desire.

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