Homeopathy Medicine for Granulomatous Rosacea


Granulomatous Rosacea, an uncommon disease where the papules can occasionally be nodular and surrounded by marked erythema or redness, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects the upper part of the face, especially around the eyes and nose.

Causes of Granulomatous Rosacea :

It is a genetic immune system disorder where the white blood cells or phagocytes, which are supposed to fight against the infection causing organisms, do not function properly. As a result, the person contracts numerous bacterial and fungal infections of different parts of the body, including the skin.

Symptoms of Granulomatous Rosacea :

  • The skin lesions that it manifests as are hard, brownish yellow or reddish, nodular, or papular.
  • On the &T’zone of the face or around the nose and cheeks, it can occasionally take the form of a butterfly.
  • There is a history of skin scarring from these lesions.


There is no specific test to diagnose Granulomatous Rosacea; instead, the condition is typically diagnosed based on the skin lesions and patient histories.

Role of homeopathy:

The healing of the eruptions and prevention of further skin eruptions may be aided by the immune system’s deranged immunity, which is corrected by homeopathic medicines that act at the immune level.

Homeopathic medicine of Granulomatous Rosacea :

Silicea, Croton Tig, Mezerium, and Arsenic Iodatum

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