Homeopathy Medicine for Hidradenitis Suppurativa


The apocrine glands, which open into the hair follicles, are located in the axillae (arm pits), areola surrounding the nipples, and the anal canal. Hidraentitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory condition of the sweat glands (also known as sebaceous or apocrine glands), and it may present as a cluster of boils or abscesses.

The inner thighs and sub mammary folds under the breasts are two places where it can be found where skin meets skin.

Skin inflammation has been present for a while, and it can be very painful.


Hyradenitis patients can appear at any point in the disease process.

Stage 1:Multiple pus-filled and inflamed areas are developing at this stage, but no sinus tracts or scar tissue are appearing.

The abscesses that are present on the patient in this case are blackheads, red, uncomfortable bumps that feel like hardened lumps beneath the skin, and over time, they enlarge, burst open, and pus begins to leak from the tracts.

Stage 2:Multiple abscesses are formed, and the pus that forms in some of them has the potential to spread to other places and create skin tunnels.

Stage 3:Scarring occurs along with the production of pus and the development of tunnels in various locations.


Hidradenitis suppurativa is a very painful condition that can cause disability, but it is rarely fatal unless the patient is immuno-compromised and if it has other generalized (systemic) infections. Usually, it is diagnosed at a later stage and in its early stages it may be mistaken for boils, carbuncles, and other skin infections because of the presentation.


It is unknown what causes hydradenitis. However, some conditions, such as obesity, stress, the start of menstruation, extreme heat, excessive sweating, etc., can make the condition worse.

African-Americans, people with a history of acne, and women are more likely to experience it than men, and it typically affects females after puberty and after adolescence.

Homeopathic Treatment of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

To return the patient to a milder stage of the disease, the goal of treatment is to lessen the severity and progression of the illness.

Since this condition has chronic inflammation, which must be treated with anti-inflammatory homeopathic medicines, homeopathic medicines will improve the patient’s capacity for self-healing, aid in the healing of the ulcers and sinus tracts, treat the current lesions, and significantly lessen pain.

For this condition, some effective medications are

Arnica montana, Silicea, Hecklalava, Bellis perennis, Hepar sulphuricum, and Lachesis

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