Homeopathy Medicine for Nabothian Cysts


Nabothian cysts are mucus-filled sacs that resemble microscopic bumps on the cervix’s surface. They typically range in size from 2 millimeters to 10 millimeters, and the mucus they contain ranges in color from pale yellow to amber.

Nabothian cysts are a common finding on the cervix of women who have had children; they are also seen in menopausal women whose cervical skin has thinned with age; and, less frequently, they are connected to chronic cervicitis, a long-term infection. Nabothian cysts typically occur when new tissue regrows on the cervix after childbirth; this new tissue blocks the openings of the cervix’s nabothian gland

Nabothian cysts are also referred to as mucinous retention cysts, epithelial inclusion cysts, and nabothian follicles.

Causes of Nabothian cysts

  • As a result of our cervix’s mucus-producing glands becoming clogged by skin cells that have built up on their surface, nabothian cysts develop.
  • A cyst that resembles a small, white bump develops on the cervix as a result of the skin cells clogging the glands and causing mucus to build up.
  • Nabothian cysts can develop as a result of childbirth and cervix injury.
  • Cysts can develop when extra skin cells on the mucus gland grow during childbirth and trap mucus.
  • Excess tissue that forms on top of mucus glands as a result of physical trauma near the cervix can trap mucus during the healing process and contribute to the development of these cysts.
  • When recovering from chronic cervicitis, which causes inflamed cervix tissue, cysts brought on by physical trauma are particularly prevalent.

Symptoms of Nabothian cysts

As long as they don’t get too big, Nabothian cysts don’t show any symptoms.

Expected Duration :Nabothian cysts typically persist for a long time, and some cysts may grow larger with time.

Prevention of Nabothian cysts

There is no need to prevent nabothian cysts because they are thought to be typical.

Homeopathic Medicine For Nabothian cysts

Calcarea Fluor, Graphites, Sabina, Hepar Sulph, Silicea, Apis Mellifica, Calcarea, etc.

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