Homeopathy Medicine for Otorrhea


Any fluid coming from the ear is referred to as “ear discharge” or “otorrhea.”

Earwax, an oil that is produced naturally by our bodies, is usually expelled from the ears. Its purpose is to prevent dust, bacteria, and other foreign objects from entering the ear.

Blood or other fluids may discharge from your ear under certain circumstances, such as a ruptured eardrum, and this is a sign that your ear has been hurt or infected and needs medical attention.


Other conditions that can cause discharge include infection or injury. Usually, discharge from your ear is just ear wax making its way out of your body, which is natural.

Middle ear infection

When bacteria or viruses enter the middle ear, which is located behind the eardrum and contains three bones called ossicles that are essential to hearing, otitis media, which is a common cause of discharge from the ear, it can lead to infection.

The risk of eardrum perforation increases when fluid behind the eardrum builds up due to middle ear infections; this can result in ear discharge.


A cotton swab used to clean your ear may cause trauma to the ear canal if you insert it too deeply, which can result in discharge.

Your ear may sustain damage as a result of an increase in pressure, such as when you’re scuba diving or flying in an airplane, and these circumstances could also result in the rupture or tear of your eardrum.

Although less frequent than the other cases mentioned, acoustic trauma is the term used to describe damage to the ear caused by extremely loud noises.

Swimmer’s ear

Otitis externa, also known as swimmer’s ear or swimmer’s ear, is an ear infection caused by bacteria or fungus that typically happens after spending a lot of time in the water.

Infection-causing bacteria or fungi can enter the ear canal as a result of excessive moisture inside the ear causing skin on the ear canal walls to deteriorate.

Swimmer’s ear can develop in anyone who has a break in the ear canal’s skin, so it’s not just a problem for swimmers. For example, it could happen if you have eczema-related skin irritation.

Less common causes

Malignant otitis externa, a swimmer’s ear complication that harms the bones and cartilage at the base of the skull, is a less frequent reason for ear discharge.

Mastoiditis, an infection of the mastoid bone behind your ear, and a skull fracture, a break in any of the skull’s bones, are two additional, extremely rare causes.


Kali Mur – Top Grade Medicine for Ear Discharge

In addition to treating chronic ear discharge, which can also cause deafness and ear noises that get worse with swallowing or blowing the nose, Kali Mur is a top-listed medication for ear discharge. It also treats swelling or blockage of the Eustachian tube and is a great treatment for long-term Catarrhal conditions of the middle ear.

2. Silicea – For Ear Discharge with Pus

Silicea is a highly recommended treatment for ear discharge with pus, which may also have an unpleasant or fetid odor. Silicea also works well in cases of bone destruction from ear discharge with a long history, which may also include hearing loss, various types of noises in the ears, including roaring, tinkling, or fluttering noises, as well as throbbing pain in the ear.

3. Psorinum and Tellurium – For Foul Smelling Ear Discharge

When the ear discharge is fetid, putrid, and offensive in nature, it may be brownish in color and purulent in nature and be accompanied by an intolerable itching in the ears. Psorinum and Tellurium can be very helpful.

4. Merc Sol – For Ear Discharge Accompanied by Pain in the Ear

Merc Sol is a top-listed medication for swimmers’ ear infection and works well in cases of ear discharge that is accompanied by an earache, which is tearing and shooting in nature and worse at night.

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