
Adolescent girls and women under the age of 30 are most at risk for developing fibroadenomas, solid, noncancerous breast tumors.

A fibroadenoma may feel like a marble in your breast, moving easily under your skin when touched, and may be described as firm, smooth, rubbery, or hard with a well-defined shape. Fibroadenomas vary in size and can grow or even shrink on their own.

Treatment options for fibroadenomas, one of the most prevalent breast lumps in young women, include monitoring for changes in the lump’s size or texture, a biopsy to determine its viability, or surgery to remove it.

Cause-Fibroadenomas are more common during your reproductive years, can grow larger during pregnancy or when using hormone therapy, and may even shrink after menopause, when hormone levels fall. Doctors are unsure of what causes fibroadenomas, but their development may be related to reproductive hormones.

Symptoms-Fibroadenomas are solid masses or lumps in the breast that are typically: Round with distinct borders, Moveable, Firm or Rubbery, and Painless.

You can have one or more fibroadenomas, and they can range in size from being too small to be felt to being 3 inches (8 centimeters) or more in diameter. Fibroadenomas can feel like a marble when you press on them and can be one or more of them.


BRYONIA ALBA 1M-Lump with stitching pain

CALCAREA CARB 200Blunt duct adenosis is the best treatment for fibroadenoma. The lump in the breast is initially hard, nodular, and tender to the touch. Then the pains subside and the lump turns to be hard due to calcification. These breasts are hot and tender before periods. Deficient lactation. The breasts are distended in lymphatic women.

**CALCAREA FLOUR 30-**This remedy is indicated in the fibroadenoma of the breast. A lump in the breast that is hard, movable, and has clear margins that are sharp in nature, or their edges are sharply defined. They most frequently occur in young patients who are typically single. Nodules are in the upper right quadrants. The patient is sad and depressed because of their financial situation. They are confused because of their melancholic mental state. The patient is chilly.

CONIUM MACULATUM 200Mammary glands are hard and sore; a typical carcinoma of the breast, namely scirrhous adenocarcinoma, which begins in the ducts and ends in the parenchyma; as the stage advances the Cooper’s ligament shortens and thus it produces the notch; occasionally the condition is linked to breast tissue inflammation; the area is hard and nodular; tender to touch; the skin over the tumour is adherent; and occasionally there is a lump

BARYTA CARB 200The main pathogeneses of this medication are inflammation, induration, and enlargement. The affected women are in their late twenties, and they present with a hard, non-serrated mass whose edges are clearly defined and firm rubbery in consistency. Most frequently, the tumors are solitary, but they can occasionally be multiple.

HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 30–These patients have a propensity for indurated glands, swelling of the mammary glands, fat necrosis, glandular cell myoblastoma, and engorged nipples. The patient is weak and malnourished.

IODUM 30The mucous membranes of the glands and the breast tissue are inflamed; the breast tissues are hypertrophied, enlarged, hard, and nodular; the patient is emaciated as a result of malabsorption; the tumors are well differentiated; they have a discrete capsule; small lesions present leaf-like intracanalicular protrusions, and large lesions have cystic space.

LAPIS ALBUS 30The mammary glands, which have a propensity to become malignant, are the main target of this remedy. Remarkable results are seen in the scrofulous condition of the glands. Fibroid tumors, intense burning pains in the parts. The tumors’ margins are clear. The glands are elastic, the exact opposite of Calc. fluorica.

Painful mammary tumor in women with large breasts (CHIMAPHILIA UMBELLATA 30-)

THYROIDINUM 1M-An intercurrent remedy

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