Homeopathy Medicine for Retained Placenta


A retained placenta is a serious issue because it can cause a serious infection or life-threatening blood loss if it is not delivered within 30 minutes of the baby’s birth.

Although it’s uncommon, retained placenta requires a medical team’s attention because it’s a serious condition.


A retained placenta occurs when the cervix closes and traps the placenta inside the uterus or when contractions are insufficient to expel the placenta.

If a woman is over 30, has a premature baby, experienced very long first and second stages of labor, or has another uterine condition, she is more likely to experience a retained placenta.

Syntocinon, a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin, is injected into many pregnant women; this procedure is known as “active management”; if the mother opts not to have the injection, the procedure is known as “expectant management,” which only helps with the delivery of the placenta.


After the baby is born, the placenta doesn’t fully exit the uterus, which is the primary symptom of retained placenta; bleeding may also occur before the placenta leaves the uterus.

The following symptoms could appear days or weeks after giving birth if a piece of the placenta was left behind:

  • fever
  • an unpleasant vaginal discharge
  • heavy bleeding
  • large tissue fragments emerging from the vagina
  • pain


  • Belladonna

    The labor is typically quite intense so it’s possible that she needs to pause and gather herself before pushing out the placenta.

  • **Caulophyllum

    Contractions with shaking

  • Cantharis

    produces an expulsive action; this is also used to treat miscarriages when there are no contractions, bleeding, or attempts to expel the baby.

  • Cimicifuga

    Contractions with shaking

  • IpecacContractions with bleeding

  • **Pulsatilla

    if** there are no or very little contractions

  • **Secale

    Following a period of hard work,

  • SepiaWhen it comes to delivering the placenta, women who have had multiple pregnancies typically have very little willpower left because their labors frequently end with a high level of exhaustion and a feeling of being mentally done.

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