Homeopathy Medicine for Meniere`s Syndrome Or Otosclerosis


The patient complains of recurrent vertigo associated with deafness and tinnitus. It is either MENIERE’S SYNDROME OR OTOSCLEROSIS.

The disease is bilateral but one side may be affected first. It occurs between the ages of 30 and 6. Acute labyrinthine failure attacks are paroxysmal, with recurrent vertigo and vomiting, increasing deafness after each attack, and tinnitus following the attacks in the affected ear. Otosclerosis is characterized by gradually increasing deafness that appears at a young age. Paracusis, the ability to hear in noisy environments, is more noticeable.


Meniere’s disease warning signs and symptoms consist of:

  • Recurring episodes of vertigo.Vertigo attacks come on suddenly, last anywhere from 20 minutes to a few hours, but not more than 24 hours, and are characterized by a spinning sensation that starts and stops spontaneously. Severe vertigo can make you feel sick.
  • Hearing loss.In the later stages of Meniere’s disease, most people experience some permanent hearing loss, though it may come and go in the early stages.
  • Ringing in the ear (tinnitus).When you have tinnitus, you may hear a roaring, whistling, hissing, ringing, or buzzing noise in your ears.
  • Feeling of fullness in the ear.Aural fullness (pressure) is a common symptom of Meniere’s disease in patients.

Over time, the frequency of episodes may decrease. After an episode, symptoms usually get better and may even go away entirely for a while.


There appears to be an abnormal amount of fluid (endolymph) in the inner ear as a result of Meniere’s disease symptoms, but it is unclear what causes this to occur.

Meniere’s disease may be caused by a variety of fluid-related factors, including:

  • improper fluid drainage, possibly as a result of a obstruction or anatomical abnormality
  • Abnormal immune response
  • Viral infection
  • Genetic predisposition

Given that there isn’t a single known cause, Meniere’s disease most likely has multiple causes.


Chininum sulphuricumThe preparations of chininum salicylicum are the most harmful to the structure of the internal ear, and there Cozzolino said that in all likelihood it is a neurotoxin. There is periodic neuralgia and tinnitus. Violent ringing, buzzing, and roaring in the ears with occasional deafness of the same side. Vertigo with tinnitus. whirling, as if the head would fall backward

InphosphorusHearing human voices is difficult, sounds, particularly music, echo, and reverberate, there is a constant buzzing in the ears, vertigo, particularly after rising, nausea, and headache are common, and there is a constant feeling that there is an obstruction in front of the ears, or a foreign body.

Theridion curassavicumhas an odd symptom: rushing noise in both ears, like a waterfall; vertigo with nausea and vomiting, on least motion, stooping, or kneeling. The patient had extremely hypersensitive nerves and is therefore very hypersensitive to noise that penetrates the body.

Silicea terrahas a perforated drum, deafness, and vertigo, especially when lying on the left side. These symptoms include roaring in the ears, hissing noises, a feeling of blockage in the ears, and loud retorts when blowing one’s nose or coughing. Full moons make these symptoms worse.

Salicylicum acidumhearing loss, hearing loss with noise in the ears, roaring and ringing in the ears, buzzing of files or bees, hearing loss with vertigo, tinnitus, and troublesome nausea and head symptoms.

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