Homeopathic Remedies for Fissure In-Ano


Fissure In-Ano

During the passage of hard stool, as the result of straining, a cleft or crack may occur in the muscles or mucous membrane of the anus. This is very painful and the patient may even faint away in consequence.


Graphites 6Agonizing pain; hard, scanty but mucus stool. Acid Nitric 6-Intense cutting pain at the time of or after stools; constipation; hard stools. AEthusa 3—Ulcer in anus with burning pain; backache; dry, hard scyballae. Ratanhia 3-More burning sensation (than in AEsculus) after defecation; cutting pain; constipation or diarrhoea.

Apply oil or ghee to anus before passing stool and take plenty of fruits and vegetables such as are recommended in the chapter on piles.

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