Homeopathic Remedies for Metritis


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Acute Metritis it is caused by sepsis occurring during or after Labor. The cervix is the part first affected. Fever with chill and rigor and pain in the lower abdomen usher it. As soon as these appear, give Veratrum Viride 3x. Then try Nux Vomica 30 Pyrogen 30, Bell. 6, Colocynth 6, Rhus Tox. 6, Lachesis 30-200. As this disease is likely to lead to grave consequences, consult a qualified doctor atonce. If however it is due to cold, try Aconite 3x.

Chronic metritis: —Causes: Want of proper contraction of uterus after delivery; artificial prevention of conception; chlorosis.

Symptoms: The uterus is bulky, sensation of heaviness in lower abdomen, pain in loins and breasts, Dysmenorrhoea or other menstrual troubles, painful coitus, pain and urging sensation in urethra and rectum and hysteria.


Sabina 3x: Much haemorrhage, blood discharged is scarlet red and is either liquid or in clots. Bell. 3x: Sensation of weight and burning in the utreine region, sensation as if the contents of the abdomen are about to force out. Sepia 12: Labor-like pain, slight bleeding, itching in vagina. Hydrastis 3x-30 Ulcer in vagina, Os and cervix; deep yellow leucorrhoeal discharge.

Try—Ars. Met. 30, Aur; Mur. Nat. 3 (trit.), Puls. 6, Murex 6, Lachesis, Cimicifuga 6, Sulphur 30. The uterus should be douched twice daily with warm water or with lotion of Hydrastis Ө (1-part mix in 10 parts of water), if ulceration is present. Coitus and tight lacing are forbidden.

Diet: — Should be light and nutritious.

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