Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Dropsy


Ovarian Dropsy

The accumulation of serum inside the ovary is called its dropsy. A sense of weight in the organ, enlargement of abdomen; difficulty in breathing, in making water or in passing stools, secretion of milk in breasts, etc. are the usual symptoms.


Apis 3 Stinging in the ovary, enlargement of abdomen, scanty urine, no thirst. Iodium 3: Wedgelike pain from right ovary to uterus; feeling as if all abdominal organs would force out of the vagina; acrid leucorrhoea; dry condition of ovary and breasts.

Try also—Aur. Mur. Nat. 3x, Platina 30, Kali Brom. 1x (trit.) Ars. 6, Graphites 6, Lachesis 6, Secale 3, Lyco 6-30, Zincum 6.

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