B Growth Herbal Supplement For Breast Enlargement 100% Ayurvedic (30 Capsules)



The mammary glands or breast consist of glandular tissue interlaced and supported by much fibrous tissues and fat, and covered by a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. B Growth Capsules provides the cure for illnesses as well as beauty enhancement and personal care for modern women. It is used for strengthening, firming, and toning up breast muscles, resulting in an appropriate increase in one’s breast size.

B growth capsule advantages include:

  • helps breast muscles to become stronger and more toned.
  • maintains breast elasticity.
  • corrects breasts that are not fully developed.
  • encourages the growth of connective tissue and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat.
  • Totally natural and safe with no side effects.

What to Use:

Two capsules should be taken twice daily, after meals, with lukewarm milk or water.

For better results, use at least three months.

Container TypePlastic
Shelf Life36months
Remedy TypeOrganic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorCapsule
For Use ByWomen / Female
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Price₹ 999

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