INDICATIONS: For appendicitis, nausea, vomiting, and stomach spasms as well as acute and chronic gastritis.

The ADEL 16 (GASTUL) drops treat nausea, vomiting, convulsive pains, flatulence, and abnormal urination as well as acute and chronic gastritis and duodenal complaints with or without ulceration.

INGREDIENTS: Bellis perennis 2X; Bryonia cretica 4X; Carbo vegetabilis BX; Colchicum autumnale 6X; Hydrastis Canadensis BX; Iris versicolor 4X; Potentilla anserine 0; Strychnos ignatii 12X.

  • Bellis perennis is a very effective remedy for all types of wounds, particularly those in the abdominal cavity, where it treats catarrhal inflamed situations of the appendix, disturbances of the stomach, liver, and gallbladder, but it also treats wounds in the muscles, joints, and bones.
  • Bryonia cretica treats catarrhs of the stomach, pain from the appendix and the liver, as well as dryness and inflammation in all mucous membranes of the body. In addition, it relieves throbbing headaches and severe joint pain.
  • In addition to being an essential component of all warming processes and a well-known treatment for gastrointestinal disorders, carbo vegetabilis is also a very effective substance for severe skin conditions.
  • Colchicum autumnale controls hyperacidity, eases gout and rheumatic pains in the muscles and joints, and controls exhaustions caused by gastric inflammations, endocarditic, or pericarditis states.
  • The herb Hydrastis canadensis boosts the body’s energy, controls how the intestines function, and fights off chronic catarrhs of all middle organs while also easing pain and relieving constipation. It also exhibits effective styptic properties.
  • Iris versicolor is a great treatment for hyperemesis, migraines, and other headaches that originate in the intestines. It also works well against all gastro-hepatic diseases, controls the acidity of the stomach, and treats hyperemesis states.
  • Potentilla anserina is a wonderful, ancient remedy for chronic colon diseases. It relieves all spasms associated with hypermobile, hypersecretory states of the stomach, colitis mucosa, and ulcers.
  • Strychnos ignatii initially induces depressive states, but over time it controls additional functional disturbances such as cramps and tense stomach states, as well as duodenal and ulcer ventricle ulcers in addition to all other symptoms.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE (Unless otherwise prescribed): (Unless otherwise prescribed) RECOMMENDED DOSAGE

3 times daily, 15–20 drops for adults and 7–10 drops for children in 1/4 cup of water.

BrandAdel Pekana
Container TypeBottle
Shelf LifeMinimum 36 months
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginGermany
Form FactorDrops
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Price₹ 250

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