Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Shakthi Nervine Tonicum Syrup (200ml) : Tonic for male, loss of vigor, debility and mental exhaustion


Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Shakthi Nervine Tonicum Syrup

It makes you feel stronger and more alive in bed, which helps you rekindle your romance.

Indications of Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Shakthi Nervine Tonicum Syrup

  • An ideal health tonic for men that restores health.
  • combats diseases like Lack of Vitality and premature or delayed ejaculation.
  • regains lost vitality and energy.

Action of Ingredients in Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Shakthi Nervine Tonicum Syrup

Agnus Castus 2x: No erections, impotence, parts cold and relaxed, desire gone, scanty emission without ejaculation, loss of prostatic fluid upon straining, and gleeful discharge are all symptoms of vitality, along with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy.

Damiana 1x: used in cases of chronic prostatic discharge, nervous prostration-induced weakness, and sexual neurasthenia.

Withania somnifera Q: It reduces stress, boosts immunity, and increases energy, which all work to lessen the debility and weakness brought on by a lack of vitality.

Sabal serr: Because the berries used in Sabal Serrulata contain olein, which contributes to weight gain and increases fat, flesh, and strength, the plant has the ability to make you fat.

Onosmodium: Onosmodium is indicated by sexual discomfort coupled with strong erections.

Calc sulph: Calcarea Sulphurica relieves extreme weakness throughout the entire body.

Dosage of Bio-Plasgens Shakthi Nervine Tonicum Syrup

After eating, take two teaspoons twice a day, or as your doctor instructs.

BrandBangalore Bio-Plasgens (BBP)
Container TypeBottle
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorSyrup, Tonic
For Use ByMen / Male
Price₹ 160

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