Homeopathy Medicine for Acute Dyspepsia


Indigestion and dyspepsia are two terms used to describediscomfort or pain that occurs in the upper abdomen, often after eating or drinkingUp to 30% of people experience dyspepsia, which is a common issue but not a disease.


  • Early fullness during a meal-Despite not having eaten much, a person may stop eating because they feel too full.
  • Uncomfortable fullness after a meal-Overly prolonged feeling of fullness.
  • Discomfort in the upper abdomen-Between the navel and the bottom of the breastbone, one may experience a mild to severe pain.
  • Burning in the upper abdomen-Between the navel and the bottom of the breastbone, there is a burning or hot sensation that is uncomfortable.
  • Bloating in the upperabdomen-A buildup of gas causes one to experience a tightness that is uncomfortably uncomfortable.
  • **Nausea-**want to vomit.


Intestinal distress is frequently brought on by:

  • excessive or hurried eating
  • food that is greasy, fatty, or spicy
  • excessive intake of chocolate, carbonated beverages, alcohol, or caffeine
  • Smoking
  • Anxiety
  • specific antibiotics, analgesics, and iron supplements

Other digestive issues, such as the following, can also contribute to indigestion:

  • gastrointestinal (gastric) inflammation
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Celiac disease
  • Gallstones
  • Constipation
  • Pancreas inflammation (pancreatitis)
  • Stomach cancer
  • Intestinal blockage
  • intestinal ischemia, which refers to decreased blood flow


Carbo vegetabilis-Useful for patients who experience eructations, which are worse when lying down, fullness in the abdomen, and burning in the stomach when they awaken in the morning with a headache, diarrhea that is accompanied by severe pain.

Lycopodium calvatum –Instantaneous distress symptoms can be treated with this. Lower abdominal flatulence has accumulated.

China officinalis –There is much flatulent colic, better bending double, a tympanic abdomen, better motion, and a craving for delicate, sour, sweet, and highly spiced foods. Useful for people with thin, dry, and bilious constitutions.

Antimonium crudum –Useful for eructation that tastes like ingesta, useful for children and adults who present with a coated white tongue, a tendency to gain weight, disordered digestion with heartburn, nausea, and vomiting, and constant belching and bloating after eating. Pork disagrees.

Kalium bichromicum –Useful for people who are fair, fleshy, and fat and who are typically overweight. The patient has a tendency to overeat and drink. Given when gastric symptoms are relieved after eating, rheumatic symptoms start. There is a feeling that digestion has stopped and a sensation as if food is lying as a load in the stomach.

Abies nigra –Useful for constipation after eating with a sensation as if a hard boiled egg had lodged itself at the cardiac end of the stomach. Useful for dyspeptic troubles of elderly people with functional heart trouble or dyspeptic problems typically occurring after tobacco and tea.


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