Homeopathy Medicine for Anosmia


Temporary anosmia can be caused by common conditions that irritate the nose’s lining, such as allergies or a cold. Permanent anosmia is the loss of all or part of the sense of smell.

A permanent loss of smell may result from more severe conditions that affect the brain or nerves, such as brain tumors or head injuries, as well as from aging.

The quality of life can be significantly impacted by anosmia, even though it typically has no serious consequences.

Anosmia can cause depression because it may make it difficult for a person to smell or taste satisfying foods, which can cause them to lose interest in eating and cause weight loss or malnutrition.


Anosmia can sometimes be brought on by an issue with the system that transmits signals from the nose to the brain, but it is frequently brought on by a swelling or blockage in the nose that prevents odors from reaching the top of the nose.

Irritation to the mucus membranes lining the nose

This can result from:

  • sinus infections
  • common colds
  • smoking
  • the flu, or influenza
  • allergies (allergic rhinitis)
  • Nonallergic rhinitis is a form of persistent congestion.

The most frequent cause of temporary and partial loss of smell is a cold, in which case the anosmia will resolve on its own.

Blockage of the nasal passages

If there is a physical obstruction preventing air from entering the nose, loss of smell may result.

  • tumors
  • nasal polyps
  • nasal septum or internal nasal bone malformations

Brain or nerve damage

Anosmia can happen if any part of this pathway is damaged, which can be caused by a wide range of conditions, including:

  • old age
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • brain tumors
  • Huntington’s disease
  • hormonal problems
  • underactive thyroid
  • prescription drugs, such as some antibiotics and high blood pressure drugs
  • multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • schizophrenia
  • epilepsy
  • diabetes
  • chemical exposure causing internal nose burn
  • brain or head injury
  • brain surgery
  • malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies
  • radiation therapy
  • long-term alcoholism
  • stroke

Congenital anosmia, a genetic disorder, is a rare condition in which a person is born without the ability to smell.


AluminaUseful for nose pain in the root, cracked noses with sore nostrils made worse by touch, and anosmia with a diminished sense of smell. There is also fluent coryza with a dry, swollen, and bloggy nose.

Natrum Mur:Useful for thin watery discharge from nose that looks like raw egg whites, anosmia with loss of smell and taste, internal soreness of the nose, violent, fluent coryza with continuous sneezing, great weakness, and exhaustion.

Useful for coryza with obstruction of the nostrils, particularly the right nostril, pressing pain in the root of the nose, large green, foetid scales in the nose, and dryness of mouth without thirst. **Pulsatilla:** Useful for anosmia with loss of smell. Useful for changability of symptoms.


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