Bio India Bach Flower Larch (100ml) : For Lack of Confidence, Depressed feeling, sadness


Bach Flower Larch

lacking in assurance

  • Lack of self-assurance. Good for exams.
  • Despite trying, convinced of failure.
  • be unsuccessful in the long run.
  • not as good as others at something.
  • has a false sense of modesty and inferiority complex despite knowing they have the ability.
  • Without feeling jealous or envious, “admires” others’ success because, by refusing to take the initiative, they eliminate the risk of failure.

The Bach Flower Larch is for those who lack self-confidence despite having the skills to complete the task, allowing others to seize the opportunities that present themselves as a result. The Bach Flower Larch is hesitant, procrastinates, succumbs easily, and feels inferior because they expect failure and believe they will never succeed. This sense of failure makes them despondent.

Human Indication of Bach Flower Larch

whenever you require greater confidence.

Dosage of Remedy Larch

Unless your doctor instructs you otherwise, take 10 drops twice daily for prophylaxis and 20 drops diluted in water three times a day.

BrandBio-India Pharma
Container TypeGlass Bottle
Shelf Life5 Years
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsBach Flower Remedies
Price₹ 210

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