Bio India Bach Flower Walnut (100ml) : Improves confidence level, help in decision making


Bach Flower Walnut

Defending Against Change and External Influences

  • overly perceptive of surroundings, influences, and ideas.
  • A controlling personality, a demanding situation, a connection to the past, a close family bond, or a compulsive habit may have an impact. Each of these situations has the potential to thwart and frustrate plans or even a course of action in life.

Bach Flower Walnut is the remedy for life’s transitional stages, such as puberty, menopause, and teething, and it is unquestionably the link-breaking, spell-breaking, and bond-freeing remedy. Bach Flower Walnut is extremely useful when making important decisions like changing your religion, profession, or place of residence. When taking “great steps forward,” breaking away from a relationship, or when taking “great steps back,” Bach Flower Walnut can be very helpful.

Human Indication of Bach Flower Walnut

Helps you adjust to significant changes and offers protection from outside influences and energies

Dosage of Remedy Walnut

Unless your doctor instructs you otherwise, take 10 drops twice daily for prophylaxis and 20 drops diluted in water three times a day.

BrandBio-India Pharma
Container TypeGlass Bottle
Shelf Life5 Years
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsBach Flower Remedies
Price₹ 210

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