Homeopathy Medicine for Blocked Fallopian Tubes


The female reproductive system includes fallopian tubes, which carry an egg from an ovary to the uterus during ovulation, which happens roughly in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Conception can also take place in the fallopian tube, where a fertilized egg travels before being implanted in the uterus.

Scar tissue, infection, and pelvic adhesions are common causes of blocked fallopian tubes, which prevent sperm from reaching the eggs and the fertilized egg from returning to the uterus.


Many women are unaware that they have blocked fallopian tubes until they experience difficulties getting pregnant because the condition rarely has symptoms.

A hydrosalpinx, a type of obstruction where fluid fills and enlarges a blocked fallopian tube, is a type of blockage where blocked fallopian tubes can occasionally cause mild, regular pain on one side of the abdomen.

As an example, endometriosis, which frequently results in excruciatingly painful and protracted periods as well as pelvic pain, can increase the risk for blocked fallopian tubes, can also cause symptoms that can be related to the condition that can cause a blocked fallopian tube.

Effect on fertility

Infertility is frequently attributed to blocked fallopian tubes because the process of fertilization takes place in the tube where the egg and sperm meet.

A woman may be able to become pregnant if one or both fallopian tubes are partially blocked, but the risk of an ectopic pregnancy rises if either tube is completely blocked and pregnancy is not possible without treatment.

Our doctor may suggest in vitro fertilization (IVF) in these situations, depending on whether treatment is possible, because it is more difficult for a fertilized egg to pass through a blockage to the uterus.

Fertility drugs can help increase our chance of ovulating on the open side, which would likely not affect fertility if only one fallopian tube is blocked because an egg can still pass through the unaffected fallopian tube.


Pelvic adhesions or scar tissue commonly block fallopian tubes and can be brought on by a variety of causes, such as:

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: Hydrosalpinx or scarring may result from this condition.
  • Endometrial tissue can adhere to the outside of other organs, which can block the fallopian tubes, and can accumulate in the fallopian tubes as a result of endometriosis.
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that can leave scars and result in pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Past ectopic pregnancy-Fallopian tubes may become permanently scarred as a result.
  • Fibroids-Particularly where they connect to the uterus, these growths have the potential to obstruct the fallopian tube.
  • Past abdominal surgery-Pelvic adhesions that block the fallopian tubes can result from prior surgery, particularly on the tubes themselves.


An HSG can typically be performed in your doctor’s office. It should be done during the first half of your menstrual cycle. Side effects are rare, but false positive results are possible. Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a type of X-ray used to examine inside of fallopian tubes to help diagnose blockages.

Your doctor may use a laparoscopy for additional evaluation if the HSG is insufficient to provide a conclusive diagnosis. If the procedure reveals a blockage, the doctor may attempt to remove it if it is within their power to do so.


Ectopic pregnancy, a medical emergency, is the most frequent side effect of blocked fallopian tubes and treatment. If a fallopian tube is partially blocked, an egg may be able to be fertilized but it may get stuck in the tube, leading to an ectopic pregnancy.


CIMCIFUGA RACEMOSAUseful for sharp electric-like pains that may appear in various parts of the body as a reflex from uterine/ovarian irritation. Most effective medication for tube block caused by endometriosis with pain during periods.

EUPIONUM-Most effective medication for removing blockages in both fallopian tubes. There is burning in the right ovary and gushing leucorrhoea as well.

There is copious, smarting, staining leucorrhoea that stiffens the linen and causes it to turn green. **LACHESIS -** A very effective remedy for tube blockage, it helps to remove blockage of the fallopian tubes, especially that of the left side.

MERC. SOL –There is a chronic inflammatory condition of the endometrium that causes burning, stinging, tearing, and cutting pains in the ovarian region. There is fever with inflammation of the endometrium with a sensation of rawness in parts. There is acrid, fetid, excrescent, greenish leucorrhoea, especially at night. This medication is helpful for uncomfortable mothers who feel as though they would ulcerate every menstrual period.

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes causes pelvic pain during periods, which is accompanied by chills, restlessness, and tossing and turning in bed. **PULSATILLA NIG -** Very effective medications for this condition. They are most often prescribed to patients with a gentle, submissive, and tearful disposition.

PLATINA-Helpful for women who experience marked pain during sexual activity and dyspareunia. There is burning and soreness in the genital area, which is sensitive to touch. -Suited to women who complain of increased sexual desire.

When there is cutting pain along the tubes, aching pain in the hips and loins, or a sensation that the hips are being drawn together, polygonum is a very effective medicine for tube block.

Useful for endometrios when it is accompanied by urinary urgency and frequency. There is a bearing down sensation in the pubic region. Useful for aching (dull) pain and burning nature during menstruation. **SEPIA -** Effective medication for inflammation of fallopian tubes, when there is marked bearing down pains in the pelvis. Suitable for women who complain of gripping, stitching, or clutching pains in the pelvis during sexual activity but have low sex drive

SELENIUM MET-Helpful in clearing fallopian tube obstruction. There is a lot of dark mense.

SILICEAUseful for too early, acrid, and excessive menses. Useful for discharge of blood between two periods with leucorrhoea instead of menses. Useful for fallopian tube block due to serum or pus in the tubes.

THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS-Useful for fallopian tube blockage when a woman experiences bleeding between periods that is accompanied by severe, colicky, cramping uterine pain. Useful when there is variable underlying cause in different women, such as uterine inflammation or endometriosis. There is a chance that large clots will pass through the blood and that they will cause back pain.

THIOSINAMINUM-An effective medication that helps dissolve scar tissue and clear the fallopian tube of obstruction caused by adhesions, strictures, or scar tissue.

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