Homeopathy Medicine for Cervical Dysplasia


The lower portion of the uterus that leads into the vagina, or cervix, is what dilates during childbirth to let the fetus pass through. Cervical dysplasia is a condition where healthy cells on the cervix undergo some abnormal changes.

The abnormal cells in cervical dysplasia aren’t cancerous, but if they aren’t identified and treated in a timely manner, they could turn into cancer.


Cervical dysplasia is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which has hundreds of different strains, some of which are low-risk and cause genital warts.

Others carry a high risk of causing cell changes that lead to cancer and cervical dysplasia.

Symptoms :

Regular gynecological visits, which should include a pelvic exam and Pap test, can detect cervical dysplasia before it progresses to cancer, and in some cases, the body will naturally clear an HPV infection.

The most common sign of cervical cancer is abnormal bleeding, which starts and stops between menstrual cycles or after sexual activity, douching, or a pelvic exam. Other signs may include:

  • heavier and potentially longer than usual menstrual bleeding
  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Pain during intercourse

Risk factors

Cervical dysplasia has a number of risk factors, some of which are directly associated with the possibility of HPV:

  • being suffering from a condition that impairs immunity
  • being on immunosuppressant drugs
  • having multiple sexual partners
  • having a child before turning 16
  • adolescent sexual activity
  • smoking cigarettes

If a person engages in sexual activity, using a condom may lessen their risk of contracting HPV, but the virus can still survive unprotected on the skin around the genitalia.


The risk of developing cervical dysplasia and HPV can be decreased in a number of ways, but the only surefire way to prevent it is abstinence:

  • When having sex, protect yourself with a condom or some other method.
  • If you are 11 to 26 years old, you should think about getting the HPV vaccine.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes.
  • Once you are at least 18 years old, wait to engage in sexual activity.


The only method by which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the signs and symptoms from which the patient is suffering is through the use of homeopathy, one of the most well-known holistic systems of medicine, in which the selection of remedy is based on the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach.


Lycopodium Clavatum


Nitric Acid

Sepia Officinalis

Thuja Occidentalis,e.t.c

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