Homeopathy Medicine for Corns Callosities


The most common places for callosities, also known as clavus or corns, are the hands and feet, but they can occur anywhere that the skin is repeatedly compressed or rubbed against rough surfaces.


  • a skin area that is thick and rough
  • A hardened, raised bump
  • Skin sensitivity or discomfort
  • Dry, waxy, or flaky skin

Calluses and corns are two different conditions.

  • Corns-develop on parts of our feet that do not bear weight, such as the tops and sides of our toes, and even between our toes. Corns can be painful when pressed. They are smaller than calluses and have a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin.
  • Calluses-Calluses vary in size and shape, and are frequently larger than corns. They typically develop on the soles of our feet, particularly under the heels or balls, on our palms, or on our knees.


Corns and calluses grow as a result of pressure and friction brought on by repeated actions, which can come from a variety of sources, such as:

  • Wearing ill-fitting shoes-When shoes are too loose, our foot may repeatedly slide and rub against the shoe; it may also rub against a seam or stitch inside the shoe. Tight shoes and high heels can compress certain areas of our feet.
  • Skipping socks-Socks that don’t fit properly or are worn with shoes or sandals can rub our feet in an uncomfortable way.
  • Playing instruments or using hand tools-Using hand tools, writing, or even playing musical instruments repeatedly can cause calluses on our hands.


  • The joint at the base of the big toe can develop a bunion, which is an abnormal bony bump.
  • Hammertoe-When a toe curls like a claw, it is said to have a hammertoe deformity.
  • Other foot malformations – A bone spur, for example, can result in constant rubbing inside our shoes.
  • If we don’t wear gloves when using hand tools, we expose our skin to a lot of friction.


  • Wear shoes with plenty of room for your toes; if you can’t move them, your shoes are too tight. Ask a shoe store to stretch your shoes at any point where they rub or pinch.
  • Use protective coverings-Put bandages, non-medicated corn pads, felt pads, or lamb’s wool between your toes to protect sensitive areas from rubbing against your shoes. You can also try toe separators.
  • Wear padded gloves when using hand tools-Alternately, try covering or taping cloth over the tool handles.


ANTIM CRUDE :Useful for thick, horny corns on the feet that may or may not be inflamed. The corns hurt and are tender to the touch when you walk.

SILICEA :When a corn between the toes is sore and painful, it can feel burning or tormenting. When a corn between the toes tends to suppurate (discharge pus), it can also be helpful. When a foot is sweating excessively and has an offensive odor.

HEPAR SULPH :Useful for infected corns with pus formation and pricking pains. There are burning, stinging pains that are extremely sensitive to touch. Useful for corns that tend to suppurate (have pus formation).

NITRIC ACID :Useful for thick, indurated (hardened) corns on the feet with pressing, tearing, aching, and drawing pains; useful for corns with a splinter-like sensation; useful for corns with sticking pains; and useful for corns with other symptoms.

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