Homeopathy Medicine for Ear Wax


Patient complains of frequent blockage of ears with difficulty in hearing. Most of the time, it is without pain. This may be a case of impacted EARWAX.

Particularly those who work in dusty environments are affected by wax cerumen, which is secreted by glands in the outer meatus and transported to the exterior by movements of the jaw carrying dust and other particulates with it. The wax builds up in the meatus and eventually blocks it; any attempt to remove it pushes the wax inward, which can lead to deafness, especially if the wax becomes soaked with water. Hard wax may also cause pain.


Earwax impaction signs and symptoms include:

  • Decreased hearing
  • Dizziness
  • Ear pain
  • Plugged or fullness sensation
  • Ringing in the ear
  • Cough

You may have an infection if you exhibit more severe symptoms.

  • Serious pain
  • ear canal drainage
  • Itching
  • The ear is emitting a smell.
  • Fever


Before attempting any home remedies, it is crucial to confirm that earwax is the cause of any symptoms you may be experiencing.

Visit a hospital if:

  • You feel extremely dizzy, you can’t keep your balance, or you can’t move.
  • You continue to throw up or have a fever
  • You experience an unexpected hearing loss.


One of the most frequent ear issues doctors encounter is earwax blockage, which frequently happens when the wax is pushed deep inside the ear canal.

  • The most frequent cause of impactions is the use of cotton swabs, which can remove superficial wax but also pushes the remaining wax deeper into the ear canal (as can other items like bobby pins and rolled napkin corners).
  • The use of earplugs and hearing aids increases the risk of earwax blockage.


By observing your symptoms and peering inside your ear with an otoscope (ear-scope), a doctor can determine whether you have an earwax blockage (or an eardrum perforation).

Homoeopathic Treatment

When there is no urgent need to remove the wax, it can be softened by drops of verbascum Thapsus or mullein oil, instilled in drops, a few times per day. A qualified physician recommends using a syringe and water because damage may result in deafness due to rupture of the drum. Wax is removed with a wax hook or syringe when it causes symptoms.



useful for wax that is hard and black in color.


Utilizable for thick, yellow wax


useful for wax that is blood red in color


usefull for offensive wax

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