
Although anger is a completely natural and typically healthy human emotion, when it spirals out of control and becomes destructive, it can have negative effects on your life in a variety of ways, including your relationships with others, your work, and your general sense of well-being.

Some people believe that anger is an emotion that activates a portion of the fight or flight brain response because it is used as a coping mechanism to mask feelings of fear, hurt, or sadness.[5] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anger#cite_note-5) Anger is used as a protective mechanism to cover up these emotions and becomes the predominating emotion.angerAnger can lead to a variety of negative physical and psychological effects.

Animals, for example, make loud noises, try to appear physically larger, bare their teeth, and stare.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anger#cite_note-Primate-9) The behaviors connected to anger are intended to warn aggressors to stop their threatening behavior. Rarely does a physical altercation occur without the prior verbal or physical altercation.

Your relationships and health may suffer as a result of unchecked anger.

Start by taking into account these 10 anger management strategies if you’re prepared to control your anger.

  1. Think before you speak

It’s easy to say something in the heat of the moment that you’ll later regret, so take a few seconds to gather your thoughts and give others involved in the situation the same opportunity.

  1. Once you’re calm, express your anger

As soon as you have a clear mind, express your frustration in a direct and assertive manner while remaining non-aggressive, without hurting or attempting to control others.

Get some exercise

If you feel your anger rising, go for a brisk walk or run, or spend some time engaging in other pleasurable physical activities. Physical activity can help reduce stress that can cause you to become angry.

  1. Take a timeout

Give yourself brief breaks at times of the day when things get hectic; timeouts aren’t just for kids. A few minutes of peace and quiet may help you feel better equipped to handle what lies ahead without getting irritated or angry.

  1. Identify possible solutions

Remind yourself that getting angry won’t solve anything and might even make things worse. If your child’s messy room drives you crazy, close the door. If your partner is always late for dinner, schedule meals later in the evening—or agree to eat on your own a few times a week.

  1. Stick with ‘I’ statements

Use “I” statements to describe the issue; be respectful and specific; avoid criticizing or assigning blame; for instance, say, “I’m upset that you left the table without offering to help with the dishes,” rather than, “You never do any housework.”

  1. Don’t hold a grudge

It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to act exactly the way you want them to at all times, but if you can forgive someone who has hurt you, you might both learn from the situation.

  1. Use humor to release tension

Use humor to help you face the things that are making you angry and, possibly, any irrational expectations you have for how things should go. Avoid sarcasm, though, as it can hurt feelings and make things worse. Laughing can help you release tension.

  1. Practice relaxation skills

Put relaxation techniques to use when you find yourself losing your cool.

  1. Know when to seek help

Everyone struggles from time to time with learning to control their anger; if your anger seems out of control, leads you to make bad decisions, or hurts those around you, you may want to consider getting help for your anger issues.


ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 200When a patient can’t stand to be touched or stared at and becomes angry when it happens, antimonium crudum is a great remedy to use.

After being startled, there is anger.

ARSENICUM ALBUM-200-anger brought on by light or noise

ARUM TRIH. 30-When enraged, he trembles and must fight someone or beat and hit children in order to express his anger.

AUR. METALLICUM 30Nightly irritations, rage, fear, and worry; peevish behavior, perhaps with suicidal thoughts; and oversensitivity.

Headache, nausea from standing up, dry mouth, and annoyance from everything are all symptoms of BRYONIA ALB, 30.

CALCAREA CARB 30-Anxiety with anger

CALCREA CARB30–Anger after coition

CARBONEU SULPHURATUM 30–Anxiety and intolerance

CEREUS SERP. 30– Extreme rage, poor character, and propensity for swearing

Children who are easily irritated are angry. They will demand things and then reject them or toss them away when they are offered. When angry, they may vomit or experience diarrhea.

Nervous and intolerant of touch, Cina is 30 years old. At night, she becomes very irate.

Great indignation and other negative outcomes of anger. **COLOCYTHIS 30-** Abdominal pain following anger.

CONIUM MAC.30-Trifling matters cause anger

CROCUS SAT. 30-Laughs excessively and uncontrollably, violent anger followed by repentance

IGNATIA AMARA 30-Insane rage; headache that follows rage.

LYCOPODIUM 200-Cowardly due to fear of future events; enraged as a result of insecurity and a lack of confidence.

Sudden rage coupled with a violent urge. MERCURIUS SOL. 30.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30-Harmful results of fear and anger.


NUX VOMICA 30-Violent anger, inability to tolerate contradiction, general irritability, anger at painfully loud noises, indigestion from the anger, inability to tolerate pain.

PHOSPHORUS 30-Raw-tempered kids who fight constantly with other kids, their mother, and even the teachers.

STAPHYSAGRIA 30-The negative effects of insults and anger, colic after anger, and repressed anger and indignation that causes uncontrollable outbursts of anger

STRAMONIUM 30-Ager almost furious

SEPIA 30-**Easily offended and uncaring toward family; depressed and inconsolable with dread of the evening

Supur 200: Feels depressed, weak, lazy, and agitated while being a complete jerk who doesn’t care about anyone else.

TARENTULA HIS. Anger that frequently turns violent. Anger caused by inconsistencies

TUBERCULINUM 200Children who are perpetually angry, act violently, or engage in trivial behavior.

A sense that death is imminent, being easily offended and irritable, as well as being vexed by everything.

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