Homeopathy Medicine for Galactorrhea


Galactorrhea is a milky nipple discharge that is unrelated to the normal milk production of breastfeeding; it typically affects women, even those who have never given birth or those who are postmenopausal, but it can also affect men and even infants. Galactorrhea is not a disease in and of itself, but it may be a symptom of another condition.

Galactorrhea is frequently caused by elevated levels of prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production, but other factors, such as excessive breast stimulation, drug side effects, or pituitary gland disorders, may also play a role.

Galactorrhea may go away on its own even when there is no known cause for it.


Galactorrhea symptoms and warning signs include:

  • milky nipple discharge that is either constant or irregular
  • Multiple milk ducts are involved in the nipple discharge.
  • Nipple discharge that occurs naturally or that is expressed by hand
  • affected breast or both
  • irregular or nonexistent menstrual cycles
  • Headaches or vision problems


Your pituitary gland, a small bean-shaped gland at the base of your brain that secretes and controls several hormones, produces prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production when you have a baby, and prolactin is often the cause of galactorrhea.

Galactorrhea may have several causes, including:

  • various sedatives, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and medications for high blood pressure
  • Opioid use
  • Supplemental herbal products like fennel, anise, or fenugreek
  • Birth control pills
  • An issue with the pituitary gland, such as a benign prolactinoma tumor,
  • Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • excessive breast stimulation, such as that brought on by sexual activity, routine breast self-examinations involving nipple manipulation, or protracted clothing friction
  • due to burns, surgery, or other chest injuries, the chest wall’s nerves may be damaged.
  • surgery on, damage to, or tumors in the spinal cord
  • Stress

Idiopathic galactorrhea

Idiopathic galactorrhea, which occurs when doctors are unable to identify a cause, may simply indicate that your breast tissue is particularly sensitive to the blood levels of the milk-producing hormone prolactin. If this is the case, even normal blood levels of prolactin can cause galactorrhea.

Galactorrhea in men

Erectile dysfunction and a lack of sexual desire are also linked to testosterone deficiency in men, who may also experience galactorrhea, which typically occurs with breast enlargement or tenderness (gynecomastia) and may be caused by male hypogonadism.

Galactorrhea in newborns

Galactorrhea, which can cause enlargement of the baby’s breast tissue and possibly a milky nipple discharge, can occasionally occur in newborns. If the milky discharge is persistent, the newborn should be evaluated by a doctor.


Pulsatilla – Top grade medicine for galactorrhea cases

It is a top listed medication for treating cases of galactorrhea. Its use is indicated when non-pregnant females have milk in breast along with noticeable fullness of breast, and the females needing it may also have menstrual irregularities. The plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, also known as wind flower and pasque flower, is used to prepare homeopathic medicine from when it is in flower.

Asafoetida – For Galactorrhea with Congested Breast

The plant Asafoetida, which is a member of the umbelliferae family, is used to make this medicine. Its living root is cut to obtain the gum resin, which is then used to treat breast swelling and congestion in non-pregnant women who are secreting milk.

Merc Sol – For Milk Fluid Secretion during Menses

Merc Sol is one of the top medications for galactorrhea in females during puberty. In addition to the above, it is also indicated for boys who complain of galactorrhea. Females who are full breasted with milk during menses, who also have pain in the breast with this, and who occasionally have milk in the breast instead of menses, are prominently indicated to take this medication.

Cyclamen – When Milk Flow Occurs after Menses

The plant Cyclamen Europaeum, also known as sow-bread, is a member of the primulaceae family. Its root is used to make the natural medicine cyclamen, which is used to treat menstrual irregularities and milky discharge in non-pregnant women who have milk after menstruation.

Borax – When Milk is Thick in Galactorrhea

The use of this medication is advised when the discharged milk is excessively thick and profuse, along with other factors such as low sex drive and infertility problems in females who need it. It is the next well-indicated medication to treat cases of galactorrhea.

Belladonna – For Heaviness and Hardness of Breast

It is also a helpful medicine when the milk fills in the breasts of females who are not pregnant and the milk starts flowing out of the breast in copious amounts, along with this there is heaviness and hardness of breast, and so forth. Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade, which belongs to family solanaceae.

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