Homeopathic Medicine for Injury to Coccyx


Injury to Coccyx


Hypericum is the prominent remedy for injury to spine and coccyx.

Persons who have been injured in the spine or about the coccyx, linger along for years with symptoms, would yield to Hypericum only.

Hypericum is a very useful remedy in injuries to the coccyx during labor. Many women sustain injuries of the coccyx during labor and however slight, soreness remains for years afterwards. This can be cured with Hypericum.

Coccyx injury from fall and pain radiating up spine and down limbs.

Violent pains and inability to walk or to stoop after a fall.

Other useful remedies: —

Silicea, Carbo Animalis, Mezereum, Arnica, Aesculus, Bellis P., Tellurium, Ledum, Ruta.

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