Homeopathic Remedies for Stomatitis


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This is an inflammation of the mucus lining of the mouth, accompanied occasionally with ulceration and pus- formation. The whole of the interior of the mouth looks red and swollen and emits foul odour; the gums, the palate, the tongue are all involved in the inflammation and ulceration.

Causes: —Digestive disturbance, eruptive fevers (especially measles), eating very hot food, want of oral hygiene, abuse of sugar, lime or mercury, malnutrition, insanitary surrounding, blood-poisoning, etc.


Merc. 6—Bleeding from gums, ulcer inside the mouth. Carbo Veg. 6—Abuse of salt or mercury, bleeding from gums and foetor in breath. Ars. 3—Feverishness, debility, burning sensation in the ulcers. Acid Nitric 6 or Hepar Sulph. 6—Due to abuse of mercury.

Try also—Borax 6x, Sulphur 30, Psorinum 200, Helleborus 6, Kreosote 6, Natrum Mur. 6, Merc. Cor. 6.

Rinse out the mouth with a solution of Borax. Avoid hot, saltish or greasy foods or drinks. Juice of fresh vegetable is valuable.

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