SBL Stramonium 200 CH (30ml)


SBL Stramonium(Dilution) Information

Datura stramonium, also known as a thorn apple

SBL Stramonium (Dilution): Causes and Symptoms

Violence is a key characteristic of patients who require stramonium as a treatment for their complaints. Symptoms that appear after sudden fright, shock, sun, or overstudying. Restlessness with absence of pain. Limbs that lose power and feel weak. Locomotor difficulties with movements restricted due to muscular restrictions. Twitching of the muscles in the legs.

Prayers, devotions, feelings of happiness and joy, excitement, and continuous talking with fixed ideas. Cannot stay alone, always wants company, and clings to the person. Frightful with fear of rats, mice, cats, and dogs moving is relieved.

Head: Unusual perspiration of the head with left sided numbness of the head. Violent headache with convulsions after walking in the sun. Head feels empty with increased sensitivity to touch and every movement.

Nose, mouth, and eyes

Eyes: Unwilling lachrymation, letters appear oblique while reading, vision is impaired, eye inflammation, redness, and black spots before the eyes.

Nose: Catarrh in the nasal passages, obstruction in the nose, dryness in the nose despite inability to breathe, and persistent sneezing.

Mouth and throat dryness, a lack of desire for soft drinks, difficulty swallowing, stinging pain in the throat brought on by dryness, which is effectively treated with stramonium, stammering, difficulty speaking, and a loss of confidence are all symptoms of the throat.

Stomach and Abdomen: Nausea, vomiting, sour risings, pain and burning in the stomach, violent abdominal pain and flatulence, distension of the abdomen and pains when moving, and flatus discharge with borborygmi sounds in the abdomen.

Urine, Stool, and Anus: Sudden, burning, drop-by-drop urination with frequent urges to urinate, along with unsuccessful urges to pass stool that smells bad, are all effectively treated with constipation.

Extremities (Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs): This medication relieves drawing pain in the thighs with trembling of feet, cramps in the feet, and violent pains on the back over the coccyxygeal region. Extremities (Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs): Trembling of hands with numbness and cramps in hands, with clenched fists. Bending of legs when walking, stiffness with tingling in

SBL Stramonium side effects

Although there are no such side effects, it is still important to take each medication according to the instructions.

SBL Stramonium dosage and guidelines

You can medicate the globules and take them three times a day or as directed by a doctor; we advise you to take under a doctor’s supervision. Take 5 drops in a half cup of water three times a day.

BrandSBL Dilutions
Container TypeBottle
Shelf LifeLong Expiry
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Homeo FormsDilution
Potency200 CH / 200CH
Price₹ 95

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