Schizoid, schizotypal, and paranoid personality disorders have been referred to as the “eccentric” personality disorders and share features with psychotic disorder schizophrenia. Paranoia, a relentless mistrust and suspicion of others without reasonable cause, is the primary feature of people with paranoid personality disorder.


The exact cause of paranoid personality disorder is unknown, but it probably involves a combination of biological and psychological factors. It is also thought that early childhood experiences, such as physical or emotional trauma, play a role in the development of the disorder. Paranoid personality disorder is more prevalent in people who have close relatives with schizophrenia and delusional disorder.


These generally unfounded beliefs, as well as their habits of blaming and mistrust, interfere with their ability to form close or even workable relationships. People with paranoid personality disorder are constantly on guard, believing that others are constantly trying to degrade, harm, or threaten them.

People with this disorder:

  • Consider others to be exploitative or dishonest, and doubt their dedication, loyalty, or dependability.
  • fear that their personal information will be used against them, making them hesitant to confide in others or divulge it.
  • hold grudges and are recalcitrant.
  • are prone to hypertension and have poor tolerance for criticism.
  • Innocent comments or casual looks from others can have hidden meanings.
  • Perceive unnoticed attacks on their character; they typically react angrily and swiftly take revenge.
  • persistently suspect their partners or lovers of cheating on them without good reason.
  • In their interactions with others, they tend to be cold and distant. To prevent being betrayed, they may turn controlling and envious.
  • believes they are always right and is unable to see their part in conflicts or problems.
  • Have difficulty relaxing.
  • arrogant, obstinate, and hostile.
  • Especially when it comes to people from other cultural groups, stereotypes of other people tend to be negative.


  • Psychoanalysis or psychoanalytical psychotherapy.
  • Supportive psychotherapy
  • Alternate names for CBT include DBT and DBT-D.
  • Drug therapy. Homoeopathy medicines


When it comes to PARANOID PERSONALITY DISORDER, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy; however, the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking into account the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of the illness.


Fear of the future, a crowd, crossing the street, death, and the belief that he will soon pass away; nightmares based on scary stories and movies; fear of the dark; and fear of ghosts. Sudden panic attacks with agitation. Great fear and anxiety. Fear of the future, a crowd, and crossing the street.


He was dejected and weeping, sentimental, love-sick, and disappointed in his relationship. He had no desire to live and was very worried about his future. He was also cross and touchy and had a tendency to shoot himself.


Attacks of panic and anxiety; anticipation; fear; apprehension; nervousness; impulsivity; a need to act quickly; melancholy; fear of a serious illness.


Along with this, there is great anguish and restlessness, which causes the patient to move around a lot because of the restlessness. There is also fear of starvation and fear of financial loss. Fear of being left alone. There is great fear with cold sweat. Arsenic person always demands neatness in their clothing.


Severe depression, hopelessness, grief, and a bleak outlook on the future. Profound despondency, disgust with life, suicidal thoughts, and talk of doing so. Peevish and vehement, to say the least. Hatred and argumentative. Rapid questioning without waiting for an answer. She does everything wrong, feels as though she has neglected something—her friends, her duty. Chronic insomnia coupled with depression.


Impulsive; enraged; raving; biting; striking; spitting in other people’s faces; acuteness of all senses; erratic moods; hallucinating; seeing monsters; seeing hideous faces; fear of imagined things; wants to flee from them.


Fears of misfortune, of losing one’s sense of reason, of being easily startled or offended, of monsters, of losing one’s reason, of misfortune, of anxiety and palpitations, of nightmares and restless nights, of imagining someone in the room.


Anger-related complaints include fever, convulsions, diarrhea, and coughing. Anger-related complaints also include peevishness, ill-humor, anger with rage, violence, and heat.


Anger with violence followed by violent repentance, laughter followed by tears, hilarity to melancholy, happiness and affection followed by anger, jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling, and a desire to kiss everyone are all examples of sudden mood changes.


Bad effects of fright, fear, and exciting news include mental drowsiness, dizziness, drowsiness, and droopiness. Stage fright is another example of emotional excitement and fear that can result in physical ailments.


Impulsive behavior, such as the impulse to kill one’s best friend, to destroy the world, or to set things on fire without good reason. Overly sensitive both physically and mentally. Peevish. Angry at the smallest inconvenience.


Easily offended. Worse from consolation. Mood swings. Moody. Sighing and sobbing. Involuntary sighing. Inward weeping, enjoys being sad. Highly emotional and moody. Changeable mood. Change from joy to sorrow, from laughing to weeping. Constantly frustrated. Amiable in disposition when feeling well, but easily disturbed by very slight emotion. Desire to be alone. Broods in solitude over imaginary trouble. Melanc


Depression, hopelessness, and a lack of a friend make her feel as though there is nothing to live for. She is also terrified of being alone and of going insane.


Anxious, fears some organic and incurable disease. Disdisposed to curse, strike, and think offensive things, which alternates with uterine irritation. Dread of insanity. Wild, crazy feeling. Sits alone and broods over imagined problems. Must keep busy to repress sexual desire. Listless, yet cannot sit still; restless, but does not want to walk. Desire to do something, hurriedly, but has no energy.


Uncontrollable laughter, violent anger, sudden outbursts of rage, excited talking, ranting, and scolding until unconsciousness, lips turn blue, eyes become fixed, and mouth becomes dry.


Impulsive behavior. Easily excited or angry. Very sensitive to all impressions. Cannot stand sounds, odors, light, touch, music, etc. Angry and impatient. Fault finding. Reproaches others. Angry when consoled. Headstrong, self-willed. Suicidal, homicidal impulses. Fear of knives lest she should kill herself or others. Alcoholics.


Great sadness and weeping. Anger, sensitivity, and irritability. Irritability alternating with indifference or sulks. Takes pleasure in tease others. Sad over health and domestic affairs. Easily irritated. Aversion to talk along with irritability. Indolent. Does not want to do anything, either work or play, even an effort to think. Wants to commit suicide. No one is sure what she will do.


With an obsessional compulsive disorder, a person will only think about pins; they will search for them, count them, and become incredibly anxious and excitable.


Patients who manage their anger to the highest level possible before becoming violent and destructive and throwing things when the level rises are said to be very sensitive to even the smallest mental impressions. The slightest action or innocent word can offend.


Tears clothes, swears, and screams excessively until voice is lost. Impulsive behavior. Needs light and company. Cannot stand to be alone. Gets worse in the dark. Cannot move in a dark room.


They wash their hands repeatedly out of an obsession with doing so because they believe their hands are dirty from touching anything or have been contaminated by germs.


Irritable. Mood swings more at night and when resting, better from walking. Mental disturbances passing from the highest joy to the deepest grief from mildness to grumbling. Feels light, as if floating in air. Nighttime hallucinations. Changeable disposition and moods.

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