The neurological condition epilepsy is characterized by abnormal brain activity that results in seizures or periods of strange behavior, feelings, and occasionally loss of consciousness.

Epilepsy affects both sexes, people of all ages, and people of all races and ethnic backgrounds.

Having a single seizure doesn’t necessarily mean you have epilepsy; typically, at least two unprovoked seizures are necessary for an epilepsy diagnosis. Seizure symptoms can vary widely, and some people with epilepsy simply stare blankly for a few seconds while having one, while others repeatedly twitch their arms or legs.


It is possible to manage epilepsy with efficient homoeopathic mother tinctures.

Epileptiform seizures, nervous tremors, and insomnia occur before an attack of ABSINTHIUM Q, which also causes delirium with hallucinations, sudden and severe giddiness, and several convulsions that happen quickly.

The mother tincture can be inhaled to provide immediate relief from epileptic convulsions.

Petit mal, epilepsy without an aura, epilepsy brought on by fear and other violent emotions as well as epilepsy following masturbation, several convulsions that happen quickly, followed by a protracted period of rest

BUFO RANA 6X—–Epilepsy of weak-minded children or prematurely old people. Convulsive seizures occur during sleep at night. More or less associated with sexual dysfunctions. The fit may return during coition. There is a terrible feeling of anxiety in the abdomen before the attack, and there is a sudden loss of consciousness. The eyes are largely dilated and unaffected by light. The mouth is open wide before the attack and the jaw drops.

Aura starts in the knees and moves up to the hypogastrium before unconsciousness, foaming at the mouth, and falling follow. The tongue is constantly protruding and reacting like a snake.

With difficult expiration and long gaping, as well as contortions and convulsions, HYDROCYANIC ACID 6X is a medication specifically prescribed for epilepsy.

OENANTHE CROCATA Q—-A specific treatment for all stages of epilepsy. Epileptiform convulsions that are worse during menstruation and pregnancy. Sudden and complete unconsciousness with terrible convulsions. Inadequate menstruation in young girls that results in epilepsy and convulsions that are worse at the time when menses should have appeared. Vomiting, tympanitis, and semipriapism during the attack. Swollen red

The aura is a tightness in the chest, and the symptoms include epileptic attacks that start during the menstrual cycle.

Grand mal of the idiopathic type with convulsions and epilepsy that started after the age of childhood, SOLANUM CAROLINENSE Q. Hysteron-epilepsy.

A red line in the middle of the tongue, epilepsy, and a strong pulse are all symptoms of the VERATRUM VIRIDE 1X mutation.

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