Protecting, promoting, and maintaining health and well-being as well as preventing disease, disability, and death are the main objectives of the medical specialty of preventive medicine, which focuses on the health of individuals, communities, and defined populations.

Homoeopathic medications can work wonders in this regard because they are highly effective at preventing a wide range of illnesses.

CHICKEN POX– Administer Rhus toxicodendron 200 three times per day for a week after giving Variolinum 200 in a single dose on the first day.


For a week, two times per day (morning and night), alternate Sarracenia purpurea 6 and Maladrinum 200.

INFLUENZAArsenic album 200 should be administered twice daily (morning and night) for a week starting the second day after giving Influenzinum 200 in eight doses spaced 10 minutes apart on the first day.

Phosphorus 200 should be administered twice daily (morning and night) for a week in cases of WEILS’ disease or rat fever.

CHIKUNGUNYAFor one week, administer 200 doses of Polyporus twice daily (morning and night).

Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 should be taken twice daily (morning and night) for a week to treat dengue fever.

JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS —Give a 200 mg dose of Belladonna at bedtime, a 200 mg dose of Calcarea carb at bedtime, and a 200 mg dose of Tuberculinum at bedtime after a two-week interval.

CONJUNCTIVITISBelladonna 200- for a week, taken alternately at night and in the morning.

MUMPS: For one week, administer Pilocarpus 200 twice daily (morning and night) starting the second day after giving Parotidinum 200 once on the first day.

TETANUS-For one week, take Hypericum 200 and Ledum pal 200 alternately every three hours.

TONSILITIEvery week for four weeks, take one dose of S-Baryta carb.

TUBERCULOSISGive one dose of tuberculin 10M, one dose of tuberculin 50 M, and one dose of tuberculin CM in the first, second, and third months, respectively.

TYPHOID: Typhoidinum 1000, maximum 4 doses, one dose every 10 minutes.

WHOOPING COUGH-Pertrussin 1000, one dose every ten minutes, no more than four doses.

POLIO— Give one dose each of Lathyrus sativa 200, 1000, and 10M in the first, second, and third months, respectively.

DIPHTHERIA –three days of daily dosage of 1000 mg of diphtheria

CHOLERATwo times per day (morning and night) for a week, take cuprum metallicum 30.

JAUNDICE-Mercsol 200 should be administered the first day in eight doses, separated by ten minutes, followed the next day by Kalimur 6x, which should be administered four times per day for a week.

MALARIA– Administer four doses of Malaria officinalis 1000 at ten-minute intervals.


Two times per day (morning and night) for a week, take Natrum Muriaticum 200.

MEASLES– For one week, administer Pulsatilla nig. 200 twice daily (morning and night).


Give four doses of Morbillinum 1000, separated by ten minutes.


Give four doses of Malandrinum 1000, separated by ten minutes.

MEASLES, MUMPS, CHICKEN POX-Dispense 1000 mg of Pulsatilla nig.

GERMAN MEASLES OR RUBELLA-At a ten-minute interval, administer Rubella 200 in four doses.

DENTAL CARIES and GINGIVITIS-Calcarea renalis 30 taken once at night and twice each day for a week.

COMMON COLD-For one week, consume 30 mg of ammonium carb.

GALL BLADER STONE– Three times a day for a week, take Chionanthus virginica 30.

GASTROENTERITISGive 200 mg of aristolochic acid ten times, separated by ten minutes.

CATARACT-For a week, administer four tablets of Calcarea flour (12x), four tablets of Calcarea phos (12x), four tablets of each of Natrum mur (12x) and Silicea (12x) after dinner, and four tablets of Kali phos (12x) before bed.

Additionally, apply three times each day the Cineraria maritime eye drops.

FILARIA– For one week, administer 30x-4x daily for capsicum and calerea flour.

WORM TROUBLES-Every month for three months, administer one dose of Calcarea carb. 1000.

GOUT-Administer Fragaria six to four times each day for a week.

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