The term “cystocele” refers to a condition in which the wall separating the bladder from the vagina weakens, allowing the bladder to drop or sag into the vagina.

Cystocele comes in the following grades:

Grade 1, mild: A small amount of the vagina is invaded by the bladder.

Grade 2: The bladder has penetrated the vagina to the point where it has reached the opening of the vagina.

The bladder protrudes through the vaginal opening in Grade 3, the most advanced.


Causes of cystocele includes:

· Aging

· Being overweight

· Childbirth

Constipation or persistent bending over when going to the bathroom

· Previous pelvic surgery

· Pelvic floor weakening

The menopause-related drop in estrogen


Symptoms of cystocele includes:

A sensation of fullness or heaviness in the pelvic region

An apparent enlargement of the vagina

Lower abdominal pain or a pressure-like sensation

· Lower back pain

· Frequent urinary tract infections

· Urinary incontinence/frequency/urgency

Insufficient bladder emptying

· Constipation

The need to force organs back up into the vagina in order to urinate or pass stools

· Pain during sex

Issues putting vaginal applicators or tampons in.

Increased pelvic pressure with standing, lifting, coughing, or throughout the day.


A pelvic exam, physical exam, and medical history.

A cystourethrogram, which is an X-ray of the bladder taken while urinating and with the bladder and urethra filled with contrast dye, shows the bladder’s outline and any obstructions.

A bladder prolapse’s severity can be assessed using an MRI.

To find any additional urinary system issues, additional tests might be required.

Risk factors

These elements could make you more vulnerable to anterior prolapse:

·Pregnancy and childbirth.Anterior prolapse is more likely to occur in women who have given birth vaginally or with the aid of an instrument, have had multiple pregnancies, or whose babies were large for birth.

·Aging.After menopause, when your body produces less estrogen, which helps maintain the pelvic floor’s strength, your risk of anterior prolapse increases.

·Hysterectomy.However, this is not always the case. Having your uterus removed may also lead to pelvic floor weakness.

·Genetics.Some women are more prone to anterior prolapse because their connective tissues are weaker from birth.

·Obesity.Anterior prolapse is more likely to occur in obese or overweight women.


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for cystocele, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking mental and physical symptoms into consideration.Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual.

A carefully chosen homoeopathic remedy can treat cystocele, despite the fact that it is a surgical condition.

Main remedies are:Calendula, Causticum, Staphysagria, Pyrus.

In order to perform the Kegel exercise, you must squeeze the muscles that control the flow of urine, hold for up to 10 seconds, and then release. Aim to perform at least three sets of ten repetitions per day for at least eight weeks.

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