Hair dye allergy homoeopathy | HOMOEOPATHY FOR HAIR DYE ALLERGIES


Millions of women and men use hair dye to improve, update, or change their appearance. While most people tolerate hair dye without issue, it can occasionally cause contact dermatitis in some users, which manifests as scalp redness, flaking, itchiness, and burning or stinging. Contact dermatitis caused by hair dye can result from either a direct chemical irritation of the scalp or an allergic reaction.

Chemicals in Hair dye

There are PPD-free hair dyes that frequently contain an alternative chemical called para-toluenediamine sulfate (PTDS), but a significant number of people who are allergic to PPD also react to PTDS, per a study published in the July-August 2011 issue of “Dermatitis.” Para-phenylenediamine (PPD) is a key ingredient found in the majority of permanent and semipermanent hair dyes and is also the most common cause of an

ParaPhenyleneDiamine, or PPD, is a chemical found in most commercially produced hair dyes that reacts with peroxide to partially oxidize and color it, which can cause an allergic reaction in 5% of people who use dye to color their hair.

The following are the signs and symptoms of a hair dye allergy, which can appear anywhere between one and forty-eight hours after application.


The risk of developing dermatitis, an inflammatory skin condition characterized by redness, itching, or swelling around the eyelids, ears, hairline, beard, or neck, increases with usage of hair dye. A person who becomes sensitive to PPD will not experience symptoms for at least 10 days following her first usage, while subsequent exposures can result in a reaction in 6 to 72 hours.


Symptoms can appear about an hour after exposure to hair dye and are caused by a series of chemical reactions that result in the leakage of blood plasma into the skin. This condition, also known as hives, can cause red skin, eyelid swelling, red patches on the body, wheezing, sneezing, difficulty swallowing, and vomiting.

Anaphylactic Shock

The most severe reaction symptom, which is rare but can cause death, swelling of the face, shortness of breath, a drop in blood pressure, and other symptoms, should be treated right away by a doctor.

Patch Test

In general, you will be instructed to apply a small sample of solution (dye and developer mixed together) behind your ear or to your inner elbow. Wait 48 to 72 hours to see if symptoms appear. If not, the product is regarded as safe to use. To find out if you are allergic to the PPD in hair dye, follow the directions provided with the product.

Hair dye use and Pregnancy

Although a small amount of the chemicals in hair dye and other hair products can get into your skin, experts don’t believe they pose a risk to an unborn child.

The majority of researchers say it’s unlikely that maternal use of hair products before or during pregnancy would increase the risk of childhood tumors, despite a 2005 study suggesting an association between the use of hair dye during pregnancy and the development of the childhood cancer neuroblastoma.

The Food and Drug Administration offers the following general safety advice if you decide to dye your hair while expecting:

· Follow package directions carefully.

When dyeing your hair, put on gloves.

Keep the hair dye on no longer than recommended.

Following the use of hair dye, thoroughly rinse your scalp.

Consult your doctor if you have any concerns about using hair dye while pregnant, or you may want to put off getting any chemical hair treatments.


SULPHUR 200–Sulphur is the best remedy for hair dye allergies with severe itching and burning sensations; the skin usually stays dry, and the patient finds relief from scratching; the constitutional symptoms for choosing homeopathic medicine Sulphur include an aversion to bathing; unhealthy, unclean-looking skin; a sweet-tooth craving; and extreme heat throughout the entire body.

APIS MELLIFICA 30–Apis Mellifica is a highly effective homeopathic treatment for urticarial rashes, which are allergic rashes accompanied by asthmatic symptoms. Urticarial rashes are characterized by intense itching and burning-stinging sensations, as well as occasionally swelling of the skin and the face.

ARSENIC ALBUM 30-Arsenic alb. is another successful treatment for hair dye allergy. Arsenic alb. is prescribed when itching, burning, swelling, and oedema are present. the skin is dry, rough, and scaly. complaints are made worse by cold and scratching. the skin turns black in color.

Another effective treatment for hair dye allergies is NATRUM MURIATICUM 30, which is used when there are dry eruptions, particularly on the margins of the hair scalp, as well as raw, red, inflamed skin, crusty eruptions, and excessive itching that is typically worse in warm environments and improves in fresh air.

SEPIA 200-**Sepia is prescribed for urticaria, which is worse in the open air and better in a warm room, ring worm-like eruptions on the scalp, and itching that cannot be relieved by scratching.

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