Influenza, also known as the flu, is not the same as stomach “flu” viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting; instead, influenza is a viral infection that targets your respiratory system, including your nose, throat, and lungs.

While influenza and its complications usually go away on their own, in some cases they can be fatal. Individuals who are more likely to experience flu complications include:

Toddlers (under the age of five), especially those under two years

· Adults older than 65

Residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes

Women who are pregnant and those who are two weeks postpartum

Immune compromised individuals

Individuals who suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and asthma

Body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, which indicates extreme obesity


When a person with the flu coughs, sneezes, or talks, droplets of the virus are released into the air, where you can directly inhale them or pick up the germs by touching a phone or computer keyboard, which you can then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with.

Children and those with weakened immune systems may be contagious for a little longer than five days after symptoms start, but typically people with the virus are contagious from the day or so before symptoms first appear until about five days after symptoms start.

The influenza virus is constantly evolving, and new strains are constantly emerging. If you’ve ever had the flu, your body has already produced antibodies to fight that specific strain, and if future flu viruses are similar to those you’ve already encountered, either through having the illness or through vaccination, those antibodies may prevent infection or lessen its severity.

However, you cannot be protected from new influenza subtypes that may be immunologically very different from those you have had in the past by antibodies against flu viruses you have already encountered.


The symptoms of the flu initially resemble those of a cold, including a runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat; however, unlike a cold, which can be bothersome, the flu typically makes you feel much worse.

The flu frequently exhibits the following symptoms:

· Fever over 100.4 F (38 C)

Aching muscles, especially in the arms, legs, and back

· Chills and sweats

· Headache

· Dry, persistent cough

· Fatigue and weakness

· Nasal congestion

· Sore throat

Risk factors

You may be more vulnerable to getting the flu or its complications if you have:

Age.Small children and senior citizens are frequently affected by seasonal influenza.

Living conditions.It is more likely for people to contract influenza when they live in housing complexes with a large number of other residents, such as nursing homes or military barracks.

Weakened immune system.Your immune system may be weakened by HIV/AIDS, corticosteroids, anti-rejection medications, cancer therapies, and anti-rejection surgery, which may increase your susceptibility to influenza and your risk of complications.

Chronic illnesses.Your risk of complications from the flu may increase if you have a chronic illness like diabetes, asthma, or heart issues.

Pregnancy.Women who are two weeks postpartum are also more likely to experience complications from influenza than non-pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters.

Obesity.Complications from the flu are more likely in people with a BMI of 40 or higher.


Even though you may feel miserable while you have it, seasonal influenza usually passes after a week or two with no lasting effects. However, high-risk children and adults may experience complications such as:

· Pneumonia

· Bronchitis

· Asthma flare-ups

· Heart problems

· Ear infections

The most severe complication, pneumonia, can be fatal for elderly patients and those with chronic illnesses.


**ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30-**Aconite is prescribed for influenza when a sudden exposure to cold air is what causes the fever, watery nasal discharges, and extreme anxiety and restlessness that come right after the exposure.

ANAS BARBARIAE30This remedy has been shown to be effective in treating the flu, and it works best if it is taken within the first 48 hours of symptoms appearing. It is most useful when flu symptoms appear suddenly, include a splitting headache, a painful cough, or start soon after being exposed to a cold wind.

ARSENICUM ALBUM 30One of the best treatments for influenza is arsenic album. It is prescribed when a thin, watery discharge is coming from the nose, which causes a burning sensation and is frequently accompanied by sneezing. The condition of the patient worsens in cold air, but being in a warm environment can help. Restlessness and a sudden, intense thirst are other notable symptoms.

GELSEMIUM 1xOne of the best treatments for influenza is gelsemium, which is given to patients who have a bland running nose, sneezing, headache pain, weakness, and drowsiness.

EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 2XIt is also indicated in fever with chill followed by bile vomiting, shivering that runs down the back and spreads to the extremities, coryza with sneezing, hoarseness, and a loose cough, and dryness of the body. Eupatorium Perfoliatum is of great help to treat the fever in influenza when the patient experiences severe deep pain in bones that is relieved by pressure and movement.

Another effective treatment for influenza is rhus tox, which is prescribed when there is a constant feeling of chilliness, as if cold water were being poured over the body or as if the blood were running cold through the veins, with pain in the limbs. Other prescribing symptoms include restlessness and the patient tossing and turning in bed, which provides relief, a tongue that is dry with a triangular tip, and a hard, tickling cough.

DULCAMARA 30When it is brought on by rainy or cold weather, dulcamara is one of the best treatments for the acute form. Other symptoms include watery eyes, sore throats, and painful coughs from muscle soreness.

BAPTISIA TIN.Q- Baptisiatic. Effective in epidemic influenza with besotted countenance, bleary eyes, aching head, sore throat, pains and soreness all over the body, profound prostration, and stupor from which it is difficult to rouse the patient.

CAUSTICUM 1000Causticum is also helpful when there is a high fever, flushed face, no chills, a lot of prostration, difficulty getting out of bed, a stopped up nose, no coryza, watery throat, and a persistent dry hacking cough.

INFLUENZINUM 200Influenzinum is a nosode and should be administered as a follow-up treatment when other carefully chosen medications are ineffective in alleviating the symptoms. It is also administered as a preventative in cases of epidemic influenza and both treats and cures the condition.

BRYONIA ALB. 30A dry hacking cough that causes a lot of pain in the lungs and chest, shooting pains in the muscles that are made worse by the slightest movement, and body sweating are all signs that bryonia alb is needed when the flu is complicated by pneumonia.

KALI BICHROMICUM 30 is recommended for non-dry coughs following fevers, sticky phlegm that can be drawn into a thread, weakness, ulceration of the nasal mucous membrane, pain in the root of the nose, and clinkers.

When Bryonia and other treatments for a cough following influenza fail, Ammonium carb. is recommended; it should be tried first for such a cough.

CARBO VEG. 200-The post-Influenza symptoms of prostration, lack of energy, lingering bronchitis, and burning in the soles of the feet that feels like it’s been touched by a red pepper can all be treated very effectively with carbo veg.

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