Homeopathy Medicine for Laryngeal Cancer


The larynx, which is the voice box and contains the cartilage and muscles necessary for speech, is a part of the throat that can develop laryngeal cancer.

If it is not promptly treated, this type of cancer may spread to other body parts and harm the voice.

Symptoms of Laryngeal cancer

Laryngeal cancer symptoms, in contrast to those of other forms of cancer, are typically quite obvious.

  • Hoarse voice
  • breathing difficulties
  • excessive coughing
  • cough with blood
  • neck pain
  • Sore throat
  • ear pain
  • trouble swallowing food
  • neck swelling
  • neck lumps
  • sudden weight loss

Causes of Laryngeal cancer

Laryngeal cancers are tumors that begin in the voice box, and typically develop in the throat when healthy cells become damaged and start to overgrow.

Smoking frequently results in mutations that harm larynx cells, but other factors can also cause them, including:

  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Poor nutrition
  • Human Papillomavirus exposure
  • Immune system problems
  • toxic substances at work, like asbestos
  • Fanconi anemia is one example of a genetic disease

Risk Factors

Laryngeal cancer risk factors include certain aspects of lifestyle, such as:

  • smoking
  • chewing tobacco
  • lacking in fruit and vegetable consumption
  • consumption of processed food in large quantities
  • drinking alcohol
  • exposure to asbestos
  • throat cancer running in the family


  • Tmeasures the primary tumor’s size and determines whether it has spread to nearby tissue.
  • Ndetermines the extent of lymph node involvement by the cancer.
  • Mlets you know if the cancer has spread to distant lymph nodes, other organs, or metastasized.

Homeopathic Treatment of Laryngeal cancer

A state of complete health can only be regained by removing all signs and symptoms from which the patient is suffering, and one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine, homeopathy, bases the selection of remedy on the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity.

Ars albFear of suffocation, difficulty breathing, inability to lie down, coughing while lying on one’s back, extreme prostration, and anxiety.

Conium mac:Expectoration only occurs after a prolonged cough that is accompanied by pain in the chest and throat when lying down and a dry cough brought on by a dry spot in the larynx.

Phytolacca:Breathing issues, aphonia, and a tickling cough.

Phosphorous:Hoarseness.Larynx very painfulAphonia, laryngeal tickling, and other symptoms.Because of laryngeal pain, they are unable to speak

Argentum met:The larynx is a special location for this medication to treat chronic hoarseness and aphonia.

Larynx pain, hoarseness, aphonia, and difficulty speaking in public are all symptoms of the Causticum.

Carbo veg:Hoarseness, deep, rough voice that crackles with even the slightest effort, and cough with laryngitis.

Calcarea carb:Painless hoarseness& bloody expectoration.

Bremia: Hoarseness, dry cough, burning pain behind the sternum, and painful, difficult breathing

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