
Botanical name–Moringa olifera Lam.


Synonyms— Moringa olifera Gaertn.

Common names

Bengali Sajna

English Drum stick tree

Hindi Soanjna

Malayalam Muringa

Sanskrit Shigru

Tamil Murungai

Occurrence & Distribution

Native to north-west India, it is abundant on alluvial land in or near sandy river and stream beds and is frequently grown in hedges and backyards.


A small to medium-sized tree that is 10 meters tall. Bark that is corky, soft, thick, and deeply fissured. Wood that is soft. Leaves that are typically tripinnate and between 30.5 and 61 cm long. Flowers that are bisexual, irregular, fragrant, white, and borne in large panicles. Pods that are triangular, ribbed, pendulous, greenish, and that are between 22.5 and 50.0 cm or longer. Seeds that are trigonous

February brings flowers, and March through April brings fruits

Part usedoil from the seeds and all plant parts


The plant has 4-hydroxymellein, vanillin, B-sitosterol, octacosaoic acid, moringine, moringinine, bayrenol, indole acetic acid, indole acetonitrile, benzylisothiocynate, pteregospermine, and carotene in its leaves, flowers, and fruits. It also has kaempferol and quer


The plant is an aniseptic, stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic, and stimulant to the nervous system.

Leaf–Cooked leaves in a vegetable curry are thought to be effective for influenza and catarrhal ailments, while juice is helpful for hiccough and emetic in higher doses.

Eye diseases are treated by applying leaf juice mixed with honey to the eyelids, and glandular swelling is treated with a poultice made of the leaves.

Bark–In order to treat headaches, juice and molasses are combined.

Flowersare aphrodisiacs that can be made by boiling flowers with milk. Flowers are diuretic, cholagogue, and stimulant.

Pods–are believed to be anti-helmintic and antipyretic, and the seeds of the pods can be infused into the nostrils to treat headaches brought on by colds and an excess of mucus.

Root–Decoction of root is prescribed as a gargle in hoarseness and throat soreness. Juice is taken internally with milk and is diuretic, rubefacient, helpful in hiccough, asthma, gout, enlarged liver and spleen, calculus affection, and deep-seated inflammation.

Seedapplied locally to relieve the pain associated with rheumatism, in equal parts, oil and ground nut oil.

Gum-is applied to treat dental caries, and otalgia benefits from sesame oil mixed with it

Additionally regarded as abortifacients are the root, bark, and gum.

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