Homeopathy Medicine for Melasma


Areas of the skin that are darker than the surrounding skin are called melasma. These darker-colored patches of skin can be any shade, from tan to deep brown. Rarely, these dark patches may appear on other sun-exposed areas of the body. Melasma typically affects the face, especially the forehead, cheeks, and above the upper lip.

Melasma during pregnancy is relatively common; it is sometimes referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” or “chloasma.” The dark patches typically last until the pregnancy is over. Melasma occurs much more frequently in women than in men, and usually is associated with hormonal changes.

Using medications that increase sensitivity to the sun (photosensitizing) can increase risk of developing melasma. These can include some cosmetics and medications used to treat ovarian or thyroid problems. Protection from the sun is necessary for treating melasma. For instance, women who are pregnant or taking a hormone medication and avoid the sun are less likely to develop melasma than women who do not.

Dark, discolored patches of skin are a common symptom of the skin condition melasma.

When it affects pregnant women, the condition is also known as chloasma, or the “mask of pregnancy,” and it affects women much more frequently than it does men.


Melasma is a skin condition that results in discolored patches that are darker than the skin’s normal color. Melasma usually affects the face and is symmetrical, with matching marks on both sides of the face, but it can also affect other parts of the body that are frequently exposed to the sun.

Usually, brownish patches can be seen on the:

  • Cheeks
  • Forehead
  • Bridge of the nose
  • Chin

The skin discoloration doesn’t hurt physically, but it can also appear on the neck and forearms.


Although the exact cause of melasma is unknown, darker skinned people are more at risk than those with fair skin, and hormone therapy, pregnancy, and birth control pills have all been known to cause the condition. Stress and thyroid disease are also thought to be contributing factors.

Due to ultraviolet rays’ impact on the cells (melanocytes) that regulate pigment, sun exposure can also result in melasma.


For melasma, a visual examination of the affected area is frequently sufficient, though some tests may be required to rule out particular causes.


Despite the fact that not all melasma cases respond to treatment, there are steps you can take to prevent the disease from worsening and to lessen the discoloration’s appearance. These steps include:

  • Covering blemishes with makeup
  • Taking prescribed medication
  • daily application of SPF 30 sunscreen

If one will be in the sun for a long time, it is especially important to wear protective clothing.


SEPIA :Suitable for females who show a great deal of indifference to their family members or loved ones. There is a tendency to cry, and the patient is frequently depressed. Useful for yellow earthy complexion. There is a yellowish, brown saddle across the bridge of the nose, and chloasma on various parts of the skin.

CAULOPHYLLUM :Suitable for hot and dry skin, it is useful for chloasma on the neck and can be used to treat skin discoloration in women who have uterine and menstrual disorders.

SULPHUR :Effective in preventing the development of chloasma on the back and chest. The evenings bring on a ferocious itch.

CADMIUM SULPH :helpful for chloasma. Yellowish stains on the nose and cheeks are present and become worse when exposed to the sun and wind.

RL-1, RL-20

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