Homeopathy Medicine for Migraine


A migraine is a headache that typically affects one side of the head and can be extremely painful, throbbing, or pulsing.


It may go through the following four phases:

1. Prodrome

2. Aura,

3. Attack and

4. Post-drome.

Each stage of a migraine attack is not experienced by every sufferer.

1. Prodrome

Subtle alterations that signal an impending migraine may be noticed one or two days beforehand, such as:

  • Constipation
  • mood swings between euphoria and depression
  • Food cravings
  • Neck stiffness
  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Frequent yawning

2. Aura

Auras, which are reversible symptoms of the nervous system that are typically visual but can also include other disturbances, may happen before or during migraines for some people. Each symptom typically starts gradually, builds over several minutes, and lasts for 20 to 60 minutes.

An illustration of a migraine aura is

  • visual anomalies, like spotting different shapes, bright spots, or light bursts
  • Vision loss
  • in a leg or arm, a prickling sensation
  • Face or body weakness or numbness on one side
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Hearing noises or music
  • movement or jerking that is uncontrollable

3. Attack

Depending on the individual, a migraine may happen infrequently or strike several times a month, and it may last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours if left untreated.

the following symptoms could occur:

  • Pain frequently on both sides of the head, but typically on one side.
  • pulses or throbs in the pain
  • a heightened sensitivity to touch, smell, and light
  • Nausea and vomiting

4. Post-drome

One might feel depleted following a migraine attack.

  • Drained,
  • Confused and
  • Up to a day’s worth of washing


The exact cause of migraine is unknown. It may be genetics or environmental factors. Changes in the brainstem and its interactions with the trigeminal nerve, a major pain pathway, as well as chemical imbalances, including serotonin, which aids in pain regulation in our nervous system, may also play a role.

There are so many trigger factors for Migraine,including

  • **Women’s hormonal changes** Many women seem to experience headaches when their estrogen levels fluctuate, such as before or during menstruation, during pregnancy, or during menopause.

    Hormonal treatments like hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives can also make migraines worse.

  • Alcohol, particularly wine, and beverages with excessive amounts of caffeine, like coffee, are examples of these.

  • Migraines can be brought on by stress, whether it comes from the workplace or the home.

  • Strong smells, such as perfume, paint thinner, secondhand smoke, and others, as well as bright lights, sun glare, loud noises, and other sensory stimuli, can also cause migraines in some people.

  • Sleep changes: Some people experience migraines as a result of sleep deprivation, excessive sleep, or jet lag.

  • Physical factors-Sexual activity and other forms of strenuous physical activity can cause migraines.

  • Weather changes-An alteration in the barometric pressure or the weather can bring on a migraine.

  • Vasodilators like nitroglycerin and oral contraceptives can make migraines worse.

  • Foods – Skipping meals or fasting, as well as aged cheeses, salty, and processed foods, may cause migraines.

  • Aspartame, a sweetener, and monosodium glutamate (MSG), a preservative, are two examples of food additives.


Family history


Hormonal changes




Glonoinum :When a migraine is caused by excessive head congestion, extreme heaviness, or a feeling that the head might explode, this medication is the most effective treatment. It is also very, very effective for migraines that are brought on by sun exposure.

EPIPHEGUS :Very helpful for migraine brought on by mental or physical exhaustion; useful when even a small change from routine work triggers an attack; helpful for both sided migraine, but comparatively better work in left-sided headaches; and most advised when migraine is accompanied by increased saliva with constant propensity to spit.

NATRUM MUR :Most frequently advised for migraine headaches that begin with sunrise, last throughout the day, and disappear after sunset. Especially helpful when the migraine headache feels like little hammers knocking on the brain. Useful for migraine attacks that worsen around the menstrual cycle when headache may be triggered before, during, or at the close of the menstrual cycle.

BELLADONNA :Extremely helpful for treating migraines that cause severe, throbbing headaches with pulsating pain.

RL-6 :For Migraine and Headache

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