Osteoporosis is a condition that causes your bones to weaken and become more prone to breaking. Technically speaking, this is referred to as losing bone mass. People with low bone mass are more prone to breaking bones.

About 10 million Americans over the age of 50 have osteoporosis of the hip, and an additional 33.6 million have low bone mass, or “osteopenia,” of the hip, putting them both at risk of developing osteoporosis and its potential complications later in life. Osteoporosis is the most common cause of fractures.

By 2020, it is anticipated that one in two Americans over the age of 50 will either already have osteoporosis of the hip or be at risk of developing it; even more will be at risk of developing osteoporosis at any site in the skeleton, primarily as a result of population aging.

Women, particularly older women, are more likely than men to develop osteoporosis; approximately 35% of postmenopausal White women have osteoporosis of the hip, spine, or distal forearm; however, osteoporosis can and does affect men, particularly elderly men.

Black women in the United States have lower age-adjusted rates of osteoporosis and hip fractures than White women, although the incidence of hip fractures among Hispanic women in California appears to be increasing.anyaging man or woman.

Approximately 34 million women and 12 million men in the US have osteoporosis, which is defined as having a bone density that is lower than that which is safe and normal but not to the point where osteoporosis is indicated. Osteopenia is not a disease, but rather the medical term for having lower than normal bone density.

There are many things that can contribute to low bone mass, including but not limited to:

· Genetics

Development of bone mass during adolescence that is not optimal

It is not a guarantee that someone with low bone mass will develop osteoporosis, but it significantly raises their risk of doing so and the fractures that come with it.

Osteoporosis is actually not caused by a single factor; rather, a variety of risk factors play a part.

AgingMost people reach their peak bone mass density in their mid-thirties, after which the rate at which bone degrades and is removed starts to become larger than the rate at which new bone is created. Starting around age 40, on average 1% of bone mass is lost per year.

HormonesOne in three postmenopausal women have some degree of osteoporosis; even mild osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures, especially those of the hip, vertebra, and spine.

Genetics-Hereditary factors play a role in the skeleton structure you are born with; people who naturally have skinnier, less dense skeleton structures are more susceptible to osteoporosis because they will have less bone mass to start with as they get older. People with a family history of osteoporosis should be vigilant in monitoring their bone mass density.

Physical activityUse it or lose it: Just like muscles, bones are living tissues that require exercise to stay strong and healthy. Physical activity causes stress on your bones, which they respond to by restructuring and building up bone. If you are inactive, your bones weaken because there is nothing for them to respond to.

Diet- If your diet is deficient in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus—all essential components of bone—this can cause osteoporosis.

SmokingNumerous studies have found a link between smoking and bone loss, but once you stop smoking, even in later life, the effects of this habit can be reduced.

Excessive alcohol intakeAlcohol can have a diuretic effect that causes calcium to be lost through the urine, decrease calcium absorption from the intestines, and lead to vitamin D and magnesium deficiency, both of which are crucial for bone health. – People who drink alcohol excessively are more likely to suffer fractures.

High sodium intakeReducing sodium intake can significantly slow bone loss, which has been shown in numerous studies to be negatively impacted by high dietary sodium levels.

Coffee– Accelerated bone loss may result from daily coffee intake of more than two cups.

High consumption of animal protein– Although the evidence is conflicting, some studies have suggested that a diet high in animal protein may actually accelerate bone loss by removing calcium from the bones.

A high acid-ash diet– According to recent studies, eating an acid-ash generating diet—one that is high in grains and animal protein but low in fruits and vegetables—increases the amount of calcium that is excreted in the urine, which can result in bone loss.

Medications– Calcium absorption can be interfered with by some drugs, including cortisone, corticosteroids, thyroid supplements, anticoagulants, and anticonvulsants, which may contribute to bone demineralization.

Illness-Other illnesses like hypothyroidism, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis can also lead to bone loss.

Although bone loss is more gradual in men, men’s risk for osteoporosis increases significantly once they reach the age of 70, when they are also more likely to suffer fractures. Men are not immune to osteoporosis, of course.

Symptoms of osteoporosis

You may not be aware that you have osteoporosis until you actually have a serious sign, such as breaking a broken or fractured bone, lower back pain, or a hunched back. Osteoporosis is often called a silent disease because it does not have any obvious external symptoms until a fracture occurs. In a recent study, nearly half of women age 50 or older had osteoporosis or low bone mass density and did not know it.

Although osteoporosis can affect any bone in your body, it tends to affect the hip, waist, and spine the most frequently. Osteoporosis in the spine’s vertebrae is a very serious issue.

When it affects a vertebrate, osteoporosis manifests as:

Osteoporosis causes your spine’s vertebrae to collapse, causing you to lose height.

· Back pain

· Curved or hunched back

· Sloping shoulders

One in five people with hip fractures end up in a nursing home within a year. Many others become isolated, depressed, or afraid to leave home for fear of falling. If you are elderly, a broken hip increases your risk of dying within three months by up to four times. If you survive, the injury frequently causes your health to spiral downward.


However, it takes about 30% of the bone mass to be lost before it is visible on X-rays, making radiological evidence of decreased bone mass less trustworthy.

A vertebral column that has collapsed and lost vertical height

The disc becomes biconvex, giving the appearance of a cod fish, as the dish protrudes into the adjacent vertebral bodies.

The bones appear to be made of ground glass, especially the pelvis.

The trabecular pattern of the trabeculae in the femoral neck was used by Singh et al. to grade osteoporosis into six levels.

There are additional tests for osteoporosis, including the vertebral index and metacarpal index.


The following are a few of them, some of which are more recent:

·Biochemistry:Total plasma proteins and plasma albumin may be low, but serum calcium, phosphates, and alkaline phosphatase are all within normal ranges.

·Densitometry:There are two types of bone densitometry: ultrasound-based and X-ray-based. The gold standard in the measurement of bone mass is the DEXNA scan, an X-ray-based bone densitometry. This method measures the absorption of photons (emitted from gamma emitting isotopes) by the bone calcium.

·Neutron activation analysisThis technique involves bombarding the bone with neutrons to activate calcium, which is then monitored for activity.

·Bone biopsy


When it comes to OSTEOPOROSIS, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking the mental and physical symptoms into consideration. Homoeopathy is a growing system that is currently used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.


Fat, flabby people who are easily exhausted with the smallest amount of effort. Back and neck pain. Inability to sit up straight in a chair due to weakness of the back. Vertebrae that feel loose and painful when pressure is applied. Defective bone development. Swelling and pain in joints. Worse in cold and damp conditions. Chilly patient who is easily contagious. Craving for indigestible things like chalk, coal, pencils, dirt, etc. Craving for


Bone deformities, easy joint dislocation, joint cracking, swelling and indurated enlargements seated in the tissue and ligaments, chronic lumbago, which is worsened by movement at first and improved by continued motion, and is improved by rubbing and warm applications.


The spine curves to the left, the lumbar vertebrae bend to the left, the sacro-iliac symphysis is sore, as if broken, and the pain is violent, worse with the least effort, and it screams with pain. Slow ossification, non-union of bones. Pain, burning along sutures.


Lack of vital heat. Prostration of mind and body. Ailments associated with pus formation. Tendency to easy exhaustion and abnormal sweats. Offensive sweat on hands, axilla, and feet. Osteoporosis from defective assimilation of calcium. Necrosis, decay, and softening of bones. Silicea can stimulate the organism to re-absorb fibrotic conditions and scar tissue.


Osteoporosis-related fractures; pricking pain and soreness at the fracture site. Symphytum, also known as “knit bone,” is a remedy that effectively knits or unites fractured bones by promoting the production of calluses.


When compared to homoeopathic doses of cortisone, which have the exact opposite effect—osteoporosis, painful post-traumatic osteoporosis, and hip osteo-necrosis—potentized cortisone causes a reduction in bone matrix and may cause osteoporosis.

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