The term “jaundice” refers to a yellowing of the skin and eyes, which is a symptom of a number of underlying illnesses rather than a disease in itself. Jaundice develops when there is an excess of the yellow pigment bilirubin in the body, which is normally excreted by the liver along with old red blood cells.

The presence of jaundice could be a sign of a serious issue with your pancreas, liver, gallbladder, or red blood cells.


Jaundice can be treated successfully with mother tinctures.

The symptoms of ACALYPHA INDICA Q include itching, sputtering diarrhea, and burning in the stomach and intestines.

Jaundice associated with enlarged liver and spleen, burning in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting. Bad and bitter taste in the morning. Difficulty concentrating and disordered memory are all symptoms of ANSERSONIA OR AMOORA ROHITAKA Q.

It is a very effective treatment for infantile jaundice as well. ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA Q—Jaundice. Enlarged liver. Heaviness of abdomen without any hunger feeling. Bitter taste in the mouth with dryness and burning in the throat.

Jaundice linked to kidney problems, a pale, sickly face, morning nausea, and clay-colored stools are all symptoms of the BERBERIS VULGARIS Q.

The symptoms of BOERHAAVIA DIFFUSA Q include strangury, scanty, high-colored urine, and jaundice that is accompanied by a mild pain in the hepatic region that is made worse by touch or light pressure and improved by hard pressure.

BOLDO Q: Constipation, loss of appetite, a bitter taste in the mouth, a swollen liver, and weight loss in the stomach and liver.

Jaundice, enlarged liver and spleen, fever, weakness in the digestive system, small amounts of undigested feces occurring frequently throughout the day, yellow discoloration of the conjunctiva, and a tongue that is coated in white. CARYCA PAPAYA Q.

Jaundice, which is more common in alcoholics and beer drinkers, is accompanied by pain in the liver region, sensitivity in the left lobe, cloudy urine that is golden in color, and a patient-specific allergy to salt and meat.

Jaundice, liver region sensitivity to touch, shooting pain in liver region radiating to all directions of liver, fixed pain under the inner and lower angle of the right scapula that may extend into the chest and stomach causing nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, dirty yellow color of conjunctiva, preference for hot food and drink, bitter taste in mouth, deep red color of tongue, brown-red urine, and pasty and clay-colored stools are all symptoms of chelidonium major.

Tongue yellow and heavily coated. Yellow conjunctiva. Constipation with clay colored stool. Jaundice with suppression of menses. Jaundice returning every summer. CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA Q—Jaundice. Hepatic region tender. Sore abdomen enlarged with jaundice and constipation. Loss of appetite.

Jaundice, liver abnormalities, aching eyes, restless sleep, morning sluggishness, stomach pain with a distended abdomen, dark, foul stools, burning in the anus, and vesicular eruption on the face are all symptoms of cornus cinerea Q.

Enlarged, painful, sore, and jaundiced liver; slow, sporadic pulse; high-colored, scanty urine; DIGITALIS PURPUREA 3X.

LEPTANDRA Q: Jaundice with liver disorders; achy back that feels chilly; tarry, black stools; yellow tongue; aching in liver region.

Yellow skin pigmentation, slow pulse, and Lupulus 6X—Lupulus is effective for treating neonatal jaundice.

Jaundice. A dull, heavy, aching headache in the temples and forehead when you wake up in the morning. Scanty, yellow, foamy urine. Skin yellow and itching. Unrefreshing sleep. Muscular soreness and aching in the right side below the ribs. Complete loss of appetite. Tongue coated yellow. Eyes have a dingy, dirty yellowish color. Fullness in the stomach and abdomen. Desire for acids.

THYROIDINUM 3X – This treatment prevents jaundice in newborns who are in the most severe cases.

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