New Life Bach Flower Remedies Kit (30ml) (1Set) : Complete set of 39 bach flower remedies in liquid




3583 (gms)


8.5 by 21 by 40 centimeters

Bach Flower Remedies

All people, including children, pregnant women, pets, the elderly, and even plants, are safe when using The BachFlower Remedies® because they are completely natural and safe and they work in conjunction with other herbs, homeopathic remedies, and medications.

The 1930s saw the development of Bach Flower Remedies, which are diluted flower extracts, by English physician and homeopath Edward Bach. These conditions primarily affect the mind and spirit, and include but are not limited to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress.

Vendors claim that the remedies contain the “energetic” nature of the flower and that this can be transmitted to the user. The remedies are very diluted, containing only a very small amount of flower material in a 50:50 solution of water and brandy.

There are 38 original Bach Flower Remedies, also known as the Flower Essences or Bach Remedies; unlike homeopathic or biochemical remedies, the flower remedies do not have potencies; however, in recent years, Bach remedies have begun to be potentized. Below is the full list of all 38 remedies, along with a few of their common symptoms:

Agrimony: People who are happy-go-lucky and who, behind their humor, conceal their problems and worries

Aspen: Unspecific, unjustified fears that cannot be explained or justified

Beech: Lack of Compassion, Criticism, and Intolerance for People and Animals

Centaury: Lack of energy, tiredness, being passive or quiet, being weak-willed or bullied

Cerato: Lack of self-confidence and an unceasing need for advice

Cherry Plum: Fear of Losing Control, Rage, Breakdown, and Uncontrollable Anger

Chestnut Bud: does not learn from mistakes made in the past and repeatedly commits the same error

Chicory: Easily Offended, Overprotective, Possessive, and Can’t Let Go of the Past Love Memories

Clematis: Without putting effort into the present, daydreaming, or thinking about the future

Crab Apple: the Cleansing Remedy, an obsession with cleanliness, and a low opinion of oneself

Elm: Depression Feeling overburdened with obligations, depressed, and worn out

Gentian: Easily Disheartened, but Any Minor Obstacle or Delay Quickly Disheartens Them

Gorse: There is very little hope of relief due to a great deal of hopelessness and despair.

Heather: Communicative, attention-seeking, dislikes solitude, and requires social interaction

Holly: Needs Compassion, Needs Compassion, Needs Hate, Needs Insecurity, Needs Suspicion

Honey Suckle: Homelessness, clinging to bad or good memories of the past, and living in the past

Horn Beam: Needs more energy, is worn out mentally, is overworked, and is unsure of their own abilities.

Impatiens: People with these traits are enthusiastic but tense, easily irritated, and impatient

Larch: Low self-esteem, depression, discouragement, and a sense of inferiority

Mimulus: Fears, stuttering, blushing, timidity, and lack of courage

Mustard: Absent any cause or explanation, deep depression

Oak: Overworked, over-achievers, workaholics, and exhausted but still struggling

Olive: Fatigue, exhaustion after exerting one’s self physically or mentally,

Pine: Who Never Feel Satisfied With Their Decisions Due to Guilt and Self-blame

Red Chestnut: Concern for loved ones’ welfare is excessive, and you worry about what might happen to them.

Rock Rose: When the Patient is Extremely Terrified or Afraid, Terror and Fright

Rock Water: Self-Perfection, rigidity, mastery of hard work, and extreme rigor in their behavior

Scleranthus: Indecisiveness, unsureness, uncertainty, and dizziness

Star Of Bethlehem: A traumatic event, the shock-related aftereffects, the death of a loved one, or grave news

Sweet Chestnut: when there is no hope left and you are experiencing severe mental anguish

Vervain: Overzealousness, excessive activity, fanaticism, and strongly held beliefs

Vine: Dominance and rigidity, exceptional ability, talent, bullying, and aggressive

Walnut: provides stability and safeguards against change and unwanted influences

Water Violet: They are very reclusive and solitary, antisocial, loner, calm, and private

White Chestnut: Unwanted thoughts that keep coming to mind, arguments in the mind, insomnia

Wild Oat: Having trouble deciding what to do with one’s life and being unsure of their priorities

Wild Rose: drifting, giving up, being apathetic, losing motivation, and ambition

Willow: Self-pity, resentment, “poor me,” grumpiness, irritability, bitterness, and blaming

Rescue Remedy: The rescue remedy combination, which contains equal amounts of the Rock rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, and Cherry Plum remedies, is the most well-known flower remedy and is intended to treat stress, anxiety, and panic attacks, particularly in times of emergency

BrandNew Life
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsBach Flower Remedies
Price₹ 4

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